
didn't know ATMs run on windows

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    Given how many bank's electronic systems are old and insecure, why not have Windows on their ATMs?
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    @Haxk20 many systems run on XP EVEN IN THIS MOMENT.
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    @stop Where is the problem? As long as there is no interface to inject data there is absolutely no reason to change anything in my opinion.
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    @jonmi some thieves used the usb port to override the software and to pay out all the money.
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    @stop In this case it doesn't matter which OS is used. When you have access to an USB port then say goodbye to security :D
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    @jonmi wanacry and autostart were used
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    @stop This attack would have worked with every Windows version available, so the problem is the USB port not the OS :)
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    @jonmi only xp were vunerable at that moment
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    @stop I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I'm pretty sure that I am able to infect a normal Windows 7/8/10 in the same way with Wannacry as I can do it with Windows XP.
    As I mentioned before, when it is not possible to transfer data to an atm, then the OS behind it doesn't matter. But when there is a USB port you can infect every OS, Mac and Linux are maybe a little harder but not impossible. So I don't understand your problem with atms running XP today...
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    @Haxk20 most run on OS/2
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    Well IFMR was the first thing that came to my mind as I saw this XD
    @xkill @sifun
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    @gitlog u guessed it 🤣
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    @dontbeevil yeah, I hate this..
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    @dontbeevil I just wanted to share my discovery
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