
This sort of shit really pisses me off, yes PC has a higher market share, but I had to comment. Mobile gaming dwarfs PC so should we even bother with PC?

And people are agreeing with his point, it's fucking stupid, people should be able to enjoy something no matter what platform, linux, Mac, windows or anything else...

Fuck heads...

  • 18
    Nobody buys a MB for when they specifically want to game. Nobody.

    Welcome to the world Android users experience. Every major app ever gives iOS devices a nice sloppy blow job while their Android versions are absolute dog shit. Snapchat is a prime example. It used to crash 5-10 times a day, freeze up, and they fuck up the quality of snaps sent by Android.
  • 5
    @Stuxnet Very true but the rant is more saying a low market share > no market share when it comes to publishing.

    When I release any of my games, I'm deliberately making windows come out last.
  • 8
    @lxmcf That's being a childish fanboy.

    But when the gap between the two OS is as large as it is, it's genuinely not worth it from a profit/market point of view.

    Imagine a car repair shop hiring a mechanic that specializes in exotic cars because 3 customers have exotic cars. Not going to happen.
  • 4
    @Stuxnet that does happen, there are littlerally 2 in nearby towns...

    But granted this rant is mostly just me being pissed off at this thought process and is probably a null rant anyway tbh
  • 4
    @lxmcf They must charge a fuckton and rip the car owners off, then.

    And I get where you're coming from. I got pissed off at how many options there were for a lightning cable at Walmart, but there were like 4 options for a USB-C and only one (aside from color) for micro-usb. But then I remembered there were like 4 other Android users in my class in highschool.
  • 0
    @Stuxnet ok cool haha, didn't want my opinion to come off as 'ill-informed'

    I look at this like the Xbox having backwards compatibility, Sony says no because it's not profitable but i and slot of others have sunk a tonne of money into back-compat.

    If there option is there, people will use it.

    For example, if devRant was iOS only would you go iOS just for devRant, no, you're just alienating other people's choices.
  • 5
    Funny enough I have never considered using one of my macbooks for gaming. I would feel weird. I do get you though.
  • 5
    Macs dont have gaming graphics cards... Their ram and cpu is good but without good gpu forget about good games. Macs have very poor design as well not only they are not sturdy enough (keyboard would break) its cooling isnt good as well...
  • 4
    Probably should have said this but this is not about Mac exclusivly, its about all platforms other than windows.

    Yes windows has a mass marketshare, no, not everyone runs windows.

    Mac's for example, no they aren't gaming machines but if that's the only pc you have, are you going to go and buy a $1000+ gaming PC just to play a game you want, no you will deal with the cards your given.

    I'm more pissed off that he is just saying low marketshare == no marketshare...
  • 4
    As a game developer, Apple doesn’t want my contributions. https://extremetech.com/computing/...

    And Macs are shit at playing games anyway.

    Do yourself a massive fucking favor and don’t buy Apple. Maybe that’s a bit harsh. Don’t buy it for gaming, at least.
  • 3
    @GMR516 You can run windows natively on a mac. If you want to play games though you probably shouldn’t buy a Mac.
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    Thats why I'm hopping that Vulkan wins and not DX12, making the port more easy to do
  • 3
    @lxmcf well Apple isn't exactly helping either. They axed OpenGL and OpenCL support (seriously, wtf), and their Vulkan support is only through MoltenVK, which is basically Khronos Group giving them a big middle finger by running Vulkan on top of Metal. You don't exactly invite engine and game developers with that kind of attitude.
  • 1
    @RememberMe would just like to say... Again... This isnt about apple, it's in general when it comes to Devs not supporting platforms other than windows...
  • 0
    @lxmcf I get that, I'm saying that other platforms don't exactly encourage it by adopting policies such as this. There are more reasons than just flawed market analysis.

    I mean, Windows is a joy to develop for, everything works on it, all the tools you'd ever want. If I need to get the same thing running on MacOS or Linux I have to jump through a ton of hoops, plus keeping cross platform compatibility as the product grows is a pain.

    All these factors add up and when someone gives even a slight justification like "only 30% support macOS" it's easy to decide to not develop for the platform.
  • 2
    The majority of business isn't about making people enjoy anything, its about making money.

    Game industry included.

    If people "enjoying it" makes you money, than that is the target, otherwise they don't give a fuck :)
  • 0
    @dontbeevil damn man, i was about to comment regarding the same thing, you beat me to it
  • 2
    @dontbeevil it was a shame, windows 10 mobile was a fantastic os and didn't deserve to die
  • 4
    @dontbeevil competition drives innovation, key example Intel and AMD, Intel were just releasing the same 4 core CPU's and as soon as AMD offer more cores and threads at competitive prices and speeds, all of a sudden Intel can pull out 6, 8 and even 10 core consumer chips for the same as the last generations... Amazing that
  • 2
    Phrased another way, 3 out of the top 10 games on Steam already have MacOS support. It’s getting more critical to have cross platform support now.

    Fuck this guy and his Microsoft dick riding.
  • 1
    @jeeper someone who is with me, woo!
  • 6
    Little Linux jumps in.
    With the same hardware as Windows, you can perfectly fine play on Linux if the game supports it. Porting for Linux is much easier than for macOS. And if the game uses OpenGL or a ported game engine anyway, it's mostly very little to do for a working compilation.
  • 2
    @Stuxnet That has nothing to do with being a fanboy. There can be very legitimate reasons for releasing a specific os version not or late.

    Having principles is not equal to being a fanboy.
  • 1
    @linuxxx Releasing a game later for one OS because you're salty about the lack of support your device receives is being a bit of a fanboy who can't accept the fact that nobody games on his device... At all.
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