
If you want to talk about politics or religion at work, then you can expect a lot of disinterested nods and “sure”s from me before I leave the room.

I don’t care about your invisible man in the sky, I am here to do work. In fact, your invisible man in the sky can choke on my dick for all I care.

I don’t want to talk about to political cult. I’m here to work. Keep your sheep mentality to yourself.

I’m here to build fucking software, not to take on your insecurities and character flaws.

  • 13
    I couldn’t agree more. I think there is no place for both (politics and religion) in the workplace.
  • 2
    @dfox 💯 exactly right
  • 5
    People that are in your face about their political views or views on social issues that aren't affecting the tech industry (like net neutrality... That's an ok topic) are assholes.

    I can't stand people that are intrusive with their views. Fuck off I don't care assholes.
  • 2
    A neutral, philosophical discussion can be fine, sometimes even educational but those motherfuckers who try to force their views and arrogantly and aggressively make you change your perfectly valid and informed opinion should die in pain.
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