
In my heart of hearts, I am a linux user.

In real life, I use Windows and WSL.

  • 6
    *Left eye twitches in anger*

    Nah tbh WSL is an amazing step but nothing can beat a linux exclusive install in my books
  • 2
    Traitor 🤭
  • 5
    I use Linux but I consider myself as a 'normie' when it comes to computing. And for a 'normie', Linux is hard to get around 'everyday computing'.

    Yeah you can substitue that software for this FOSS, do this and that, or use WINE... But abanding something that 'just works' (Windows) is a hard and unneceasary decision.

    So my point is, I don't blame you.
    And I'm PRETTY SURE a good portion of people are forced to use Windows because of specifix softwares for work/school.
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