
Me: Updates my debian.
Nautilus: Is slow af.
Me: *googles alternatives*
Me: Let's try ranger.
Me 10 sec after installing: Holy jumping jesus on a breadstick there's a lot of shortcuts.

  • 3
    Ranger is awesome if you spend some time to configure it to your needs! Good luck, pal
  • 2
    Ranger is by far my favorite file manager.
  • 1
    @LeFlawk pcmanfm is by far the best of the more simple ones.
  • 1
    Nothing comes even close to ranger, if you spend some time with creating user shortcuts you can fly through your work just like you do in vim. ^_^
  • 0
    Nothing comes even close to ranger, if you spend some time with creating user shortcuts you can fly through your work just like you do in vim. ^_^
  • 1
    Man thanks @ElixirX! Through your post I'm now using ranger
  • 1
    @dertrockx welcome to the shortcut land. Wherever you want to go, there's a shorter way ;)
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