
!Rant && successStory
Im curious to know what people's opinions on tech Internships are?
Some people have the option that it's cheap labour to get basic things done.
I believe they are wrong. I just finished my 11 month long internship at a medium size tech company in Melbourne Australia
Although finishing up there was a sad story in itself I was taking some time to reflect on those past months and I believe it's truly amazing.
I've discovered my passions and interests. I was mentored by some truly caring people that honestly gave a shit about me.
The code I write is so much cleaner, decisions I make are more informed and I could go on!
Most of all they paid me decent and I really cannot ask for more.
Kudos to all those companies that actually care about the emerging dev community.

  • 5
    I think unpaid internships are exploitative. If it's paid and it's at least minimum wage then I don't have a problem with it. I tried to get one myself but didn't have any luck.

    Congrats on getting one and doing well
  • 2
    In Austria, there are no unpaid internships, and I think that's great. They're even illegal.
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