
Title earned: "Figlio del capo" - "The boss' son"
Earned by oversleping literally next door, because you forgot to set up an alarm.

Even though my presence wasn't really required today 🤷‍♂️

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    @theKarlisK Right.

    I used to live half a mile away from class and would have to sprint to the classroom to get there on time because I constantly overslept.

    Now I'm a mile and half away so that is really rough lol
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    But to be able to walk to work is really adding some quality to life.
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    @Stuxnet a mile and a half... well... wow! Lmao.

    try 25miles, and using public transport x) R.I.P.
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    @heyheni @theKarlisK My father build a work flat next to the office, because that way he doesn't need to drive a couple of KMs to get home.

    I slept there as well because we had to get stuff done and it got late, so normally I don't live next door.
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    @xewl Yea I know it's not awful. But I love the ability to walk, and being RIGHT next door is awesome. Like that's my freaking dream if we're gonna be honest lmao.

    I want to live where I'm not dependent on a car to go everywhere I need to go.
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    @Stuxnet I share those feels.. would love to move, just hard to accomplish atm 😅
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    @xewl I grew up in a small town and had to drive half an hour to school everyday (there was closer schools but long story short they sucked).

    To go get a decent meal or do some shopping was at least an hour drive.

    That got old pretty fast. I'm looking to move into the heart of a city when I graduate, but it depends on my financial situation lol
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    At my office it's a standard that some people start working at 7 am and some at noon... I'm in the latter group.
    One I overslept a meeting that was while I was in the office. Its just that we have a nice chill room and i brought a pillow with my :)
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    @mt3o Can't blame you. Would oversleep!
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