Ok so i just bought a 256 GB SSD macbook pro and long story short i actually have 200 GB of free space when you take everything that takes up the space.

The fucking Catalina OS upgrade takes 8 GB.

Is this enough memory for programming/work related stuff???

  • 13
    plenty of room
  • 2
    @C0D4 is that sarcasm
  • 7
    @SukMikeHok nope, 128GB hdd, has windows, several vms for Linux servers, Android studio and some other programs.

    Surely Xcode doesn't take that much room.
  • 2
    With xcode, android studio, docker with more then 10 containers, intellij, couple of projects, flutter etc. No vm.

    If you do it smart it works but I am not happy.
  • 0
    more than enough for me too.

    Failų sistema Tipas Size Naud Laisva Nd % Prijungta prie
    /dev/mapper/systemvg-homelv ext4 283G 225G 44G 84% /home

    This contains: 2 VM images (109G total), 4-5 clients' projects (~20GB), plenty of downloaded junk (>20GB), a few massive heapdumps (~40GB), plenty of threaddumps (4-5GB), several OS images (12GB), ~5GB of DB, webapp, etc backups, and so on.

    I could do some housekeeping and free up at least 100GB, but.. why bother, I still have >40GB free :)
  • 3
  • 2
    256 GB is way too less with modern tool chain. NEVER buy a low to medium spec Mac.
  • 2
    Reading comments above should clearly tell you that we don't know what your needs are. You've had a computer before, right? Just check how much space you used.
  • 1
    256GB is nothing.
  • 3
    Having a 256GB mac pro.... NEVER AGAIN!.


    To start with... Even with fresh installation - you have 200GB free. That's fine and all.... Until these things happen:

    - Load spotify with few downloaded libraries - 20GB gone.
    - Install GIT/php and whatever else, baam, you need full xcode (well, it's libraries but for me it just keeps installing full xcode) - another 30-40GB gone...
    - Then work files... I work on quite a lot of projects - so that takes space. Not too much but like 5GB...
    - And then databases.... Almost 60GB of them
    - On top of that, I dare you to install some helping tools or even download a movie....

    So yeah https://prnt.sc/pwx3kx - this is most of my storage that is free. Sometimes I make it to 40GB with clearing all caches and stuff.... But it's pain in the ass to manage :)
  • 2
    @potata what's the purpose of downloading Spotify on your laptop?
  • 0
    I remember when a gig was “all you could ever need”. We’re all so spoiled now
  • 0
    @Stuxnet To have a music library available? Since I'm working fully offline from time to time or on a poorly connection - this keeps me with music :)
  • 0
    @dontbeevil That's the fun part... I don't need it. Like at all.... But in order to use GIT on MAC I need fucking libraries from xcode otherwise it just tells me to fuck off. If I install those libraries - eventually I find out that I actually have full xcode installed.... I still have no idea why that keeps happening and even local ideal service couldn't understand...
  • 2
    @potata it doesn’t need Xcode, just the cli tools which can be installed separately
  • 0
    @potata why not use your phone for that?
  • 0
    My gf had the problem that continuous apple software updates would decimate the already limited storage space.
  • 0
    And I have couple of games installed
  • 0
    @vane I cleaned up 100gb of unused docker images from mine today...
  • 0
    @sboesch Never buy a mac ever.
  • 0
    you can't do a bunch of shit on Catalina

    how would programming on Mac even work after everything has to be signed
  • 1
    @Plasticnova well, it doesn't by the specs but for whatever reason I still find full xcode and not just cli tools :)

    @Stuxnet probably because of convenience :)
  • 0
    @StefanH what do u mean by the second sentence
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