
Python wins at the end of the decade

  • 9
    boo Wendy Testaburger, boo
  • 4
    Python > JS but still, even python is not the answer. After all web assembly will hopefully bring some changes.
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    @virustark24 why
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    Does blazor easy to use?
  • 2
    @virustark24 Why? Its a totally viable alternative to .Net for bigger projects. I'm not a java dev myself, but I hope you're just not bashing on java because java.
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    @theuser Java is shit compared to c#. Maybe it's more neat, but developing everything in Java is a huge pain. Don't miss understand me .Net is a huge pain in the ass as well, but at least the C# syntax makes it bearable.
  • 1
    @p100sch Most of the internet is bits of text, images and videos. You do not need a compiled language to perform logic there, which is why WebAssembly is made to do stuff that JS doesn't do very well like 3D rendering, cryptographyand so on. Don't expect JS to go away for years to come.

    Blazor is kinda aiming to replace JS, although you can still call JS libs. Aiming to replace JS is the reason why I think it will ultimately fail.
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    Technically it is not the end of the decade until 31st December 2020 (there was no year zero), so still time for it to all change.
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    @nibor A decade is simply defined as a period of 10 years. The 2010's is placed between 2010 inclusive and 2019 inclusive. But yes, the fucker Julius Caesar counted from year 1 and another fucker counted "the first century".
  • 4
    @p100sch how tf is developing in Java a pain? its easy as fuck and has a library for everything. Not only dad, but the JVM has a plethora of languages and paradigms to choose from..

    Let me guess, design patterns and oop too hard for ya? or did a blog tell you that it sucks because waa its too hard?
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    @theuser Julius Caesar, what a cunt!

    @virustark24 there are a whopping 379 days for something to come out of the woodwork! Maybe wasm/blazor will be #1 by then 😳
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    Cobol is by far the most used (aka most lines of code in production) today.

    And I hate this language so much, I removed it from my resume lol
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    The source of this top is at the bottom, wasn't made by me lol
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    @AleCx04 I like Kotlin, so your jvm argument does not need Java. But the language lacks so many convenience features, and I had to code that shit for 3 years. It is only in use now because it was the hip shit with OOP and cross platform support when it first came out. Now we have other languages for the jvm and definitely don't need that one anymore.
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    @p100sch hence the reason why I mentioned the ability the JVM has over being able to use multiple languages......

    I never understood people who complain about the supposed lack of features in a language, shit always seems like a nitpick, your experience (or lack thereof) in the language does not constitute a global reality for everyone else dude.
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    @p100sch again, how is java a pain?
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    @virustark24 fuck you
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    Most used for what? Where is the source of this "data"? This seems very fishy.
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    @Demolishun Youtube, data is beautiful
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    @virustark24 😂😂
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    Yeah I bet toilett paper is the most used of all papers too.
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    @Pyjong It might be writing paper though because some cultures use water instead, although they might use toilet paper in order to dry off the water.
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    @theuser could be. I dont know to be honest.
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