Chrome, you suck.
Macbook, you suck.
Everybody sucks.
Time to reboot everything and give up for the weekend.

  • 5
    I've been staring at that image for a few minutes trying to figure out how the hell it even happened. Graphics Driver issue, maybe? Except the browser UI at the top looks fine...
  • 2
    @EmberQuill it happened on certain tabs and not others. I'm at a loss myself. Solar flares ? Reboot fixed it. 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    @MarcoCeccon So if it happened to you on Windows and @devphobe on Mac, guess it's a Chrome issue.
  • 2
    That sort of shit always happen to me (i7 8XXXu, always latest Linux kernel)
    Sometimes it's only Firefox, sometimes it's the whole system.

    It's nice to know even MacOS has those issues :D
  • 0
    Modern software sucks.
  • 1
    Ohh....Thanks for remembering it's weekend. Lockdown effect.
  • 2
    Similar stuff happens to me on Debian when I leave Google Maps tab open and wake up PC from sleep. Simple resizing the window fixes it in my case though.
  • 0
    Get a real computer
    Get an actual browser.
  • 0
    You should try using cli browser.
  • 1
    @aggelalex Wow calmelalex down you boatware fag
  • 1
    @aggelalex What do you mean when you say "real" computers and browsers? Just curious, because so far we've had people mention 3 operating systems and 2 browsers so there aren't a lot of choices left.
  • 1
    Í have been facing the same issue i thought my screen was broken or something
  • 1
    @oddmemtius me too! I even started looking for new monitors before I realized what was up.
  • 0
    It happens to me too, with hibernation. My guess for my situation is, there's a loss of data correlated to the GPU or how the GPU and CPU see one another, because Nvidia are monkeys and maybe don't even put the GPU to hibernation but rather just power it off, loosing data in all buffers.
  • 0
    Install Windows I’ve never had an issue on a Windows only on a Mac
  • 0
    What the actual fuck am I looking at here
  • 1
    @OmerFlame A deep fried Chrome meme.
  • 0
    @homo-lorens I am honestly confused and can’t tell if it’s an actual glitch or just someone’s photoshop LMAO
  • 2
    @OmerFlame It's an actual glitch and happens to me regularly when waking my Linux machine from hibernation.
  • 0
    @homo-lorens holy shit, Chrome is worse than I thought.
  • 0
    @OmerFlame In my case I think it's the nvidia driver as it happens to all games, some desktop apps and all electron apps regardless of renderer.
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