Worst part of being a dev?

For me it's putting myself into infinite loops wrestling with my own self doubt. Is this really how I want to solve this problem? Could this code be cleaner? Surely there's a better way to do this? Am I adding unnecessary complexity? Is this going to come back and bite me in x months? And so on...

In fact, most days I just feel like an imposter.

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    In fact. My life is me doubting my doubt unfortunately. After I git drunk I felt more normal and was actually able to talk to a girl and she liked me. I became sober again. My life feels fucked up again. How can I get in that state without getting drunk. Someone, help me.
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    Well, time to use design patterns....
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    @SweetHuman Your mileage may vary, but I've found that meditation helps in mastering the art of giving less of a sh*t. Not giving a sh*t is often helpful (I know, it's counter intuitive) when trying to accomplish something. As Don Draper puts it "Think very hard about it. Then let it go, and an idea will appear".

    As a bonus, if you enroll in a meditation class, chances are that you will find yourself outnumbered by women. Unless it's zen meditation, which for some reason seems to attract more men.
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    This is literally me.
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