Here is something you expected you'd never see! MSFT joins Linux Foundation as a Platinum member

  • 12
    Shout out to the Linux haters! Hiya! πŸ‘‹
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    @azuredivay Did you know Azure architect John Gossman is going to join Linux Foundation's Board of Directors? (Thought you'd be interested, given your username ☺️)
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    @drRoss If you can't beat them, join them
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    dont forget the dev, who became a heartattack.
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    @aswinramakrish Market share says something different
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    @tahnik what do you mean? 2β„… up? Either way, they'll come around..
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    This ArsTechnica article mentions another surprising announcement: Google is joining the .NET Foundation

  • 19
    Here comes Windux and Angular#.
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    @cmall1234 Lindows was already a thing, sorry.
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    It's 2016 and people still think Microsoft has nothing to do with Linux & Open Source ??? Damn...
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    @aswinramakrish and what do you do when you buy a laptop with Linux on it? You've just bought the os..
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    Embrace... Extend...
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    @ScribeOfGoD I'll probably be paying for the installation service.. not for the OS itself.. there is a difference
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    ... if I was drinking something then it was the second water test my phone had. let's hope Microsoft does great things
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    @KnightsOfCode And Apple... Aren't worth talking about. Incredible.
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    I really have mixed feelings about this.... It kinda feels like accepting the one as a partner that tried to rape you to the core every single day before...
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    @NeatNerdPrime Or marrying the one you tried to rape in the past.. saying you love them now
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    @Paramite and MS is the radioactive chemical that wants to purge said cancer i guess
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    @Paramite If by a few months or years you mean 16 years then yeah, they did. More specifically, Steve Ballmer who is known for being outrageous said that.


    People need to get over the whole Microsoft doesn't like open source stuff... It's tragic they can't let go.
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    @drRoss but then why should they? What is their main motivation? They are a company with money in their mind, while Linux foundation is there to make software.
    Disregard everything else, that bottom line remains.
    Yes Redhat and Canonical are also companies, but founded on Linux, instead od having a history of fighting it at every turn
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    I'd read some comments recently that there'd been some changes in administration and management at Microsoft and they were really the ones that had the issue with Linux. The impression I was given was that once that particular crowd was gone from the company they almost immediately started working more with OSS and Linux in general.
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    @Romulus10 which is a nice thing and people should appreciate this more, right?
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    @Mayhem93 I absolutely agree.
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