
My colleague always tells me how he hates windows and that he uses linux just to look like cool dev, one day I found him using windows and he was like ....

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    As soon as you need to use an Adobe product, it's either Windows or OS X. And if you want to play a popular game... yeah, you know.
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    Kamen yeah that's annoyingly true. Ubuntu is my only OS atm but I dunno how long that will last
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    @giorgos-kriaras nope... I mean there's wine that isn't great for it thou... The problem is when everyone else uses Photoshop and you get sent a psd... No other program can open it correctly at the moment except of course... Photoshop
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    @giorgos-kriaras Alternatives that cover 100% of the features don't exist as far as I know (Adobe products have become the de-facto industry standard), but if you're happy to go partway there, you can try The GIMP in Photoshop's place and Darktable instead of Lightroom.
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    Why not both even if you prefer one
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    Ubuntu has been super buggy ever since Unity was introduced. If only my company weren't running Ubuntu on all their servers...
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    I hate people like that.
    Using linux as hipster thingy.
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