
If anyone has read any of my posts before you may know, they're usually of a certain... Shall we say, dark, nature?

Well this possibly represents one of the darkest things I've imagined (with regards to technology and programming) I've had.

I was asked if I want to be buried or cremated when I die and they seem so... Pedestrian and I thought long and hard about what would be a fitting way to honour my life and what to do with my remains and it came to me...

I want my flesh to be only partially treated with formaldehyde so chunks of me rot away and others don't.

I want my skeletal structure to be replace with titanium rods with actuators and servo motors where my joints would have been with an internal gyroscope to assist with balance and my corpse will be installed with some sort of IOT controller board with on board wifi.

The companion smart phone app will allow my partially rotting cybernetic zombie corpse to be driven around by a bored grave yard grounds keeper while kids are doing LSD pretending they're all that.

Make them really believe the apocalypse has begun and the dead have risen.

I could be a whole thing for future corpse disposal too.

"Smart corpses, for the loved one who will be more intelligent in death than they were in life."

Although that's probably a bit too harsh...

  • 7
    This is not really what I would call dark...
    It's more absurd, especially since this would require a lot maintenance. I also don't see how you expect to control it if you are supposed to be dead.
  • 1
    @forkbomber In my rant I said it'd be a grounds keeper controlling it.

    Also, the point is the whole thing would slowly break down anyway, zombie and all that.

    /Didn't Read It Properly!
  • 0
    @nmunro I must have missed that part, easily distracted and all.
  • 1
    @nmunro You must be fun at parties
  • 1
    @FleetAdmiral I wouldn't know, I decline the invitations.
  • 0
    You were at 2048++, sorry for ruining your perfect number...
  • 0
    It tickled me, but apparently British humour also has a strong morbid streak.

    Many Years ago we submitted the Fawlty Towers sitcom episode with the dead body to the European Comedy Show of the Year competition.

    Europeans didn't get the humour and gave it "Nil points" across the board. We genuinely thought it was the funniest show that year.

    Just goes to show that our Atlantic Island may be near to Europe but it clearly isn't really European. 😜
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