
<rant data-type="corny">

My Gf of 3 years left me for some douche. Thus said, she "removed" her feelings before kissing him. WTF! I didn't know feeling came like dependencies...


  • 10
    Bro, fuck dat bitch. If she didn't program then was she even worth spending 3 years with?!
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  • 3
    I think I see why se left you... 😜
    Find someone who can appreciate that humor.
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    @sammckay Yeah, I should find someone that can appreciate what we do.
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    @antoni4040 Hahaha, I only added the modules part, but literally, she said that she "removed her feelings" when kissing him... Wtf dude? What a cold-blooded...
  • 2
    @divil being single is so alone....
  • 1
    @divil can't do that.
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    Funny same time last year I had the same shit happen. She took my business for her own, fucked some dude fatter and uglier than myself, and left me calling me crazy when all I wanted her to do was just be truthful about it so we could move on. That was 3 years in too.

    Don't dwell on it man, the bitch clearly isn't worth it. Move on and find that right person. I'm now a lot happier :) I moved away, moved on, got a new partner who just the past couple of months got me a house.

    One day that ex will be coming back begging me to be with her again and I accept that but she'd be getting the middle finger :)
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    @pchater Wow, did I clone your branch? 😂

    But seriously though, thanks dude, thanks to everyone that tries to cheer me up. It feels fucking awful, but in the end, we have to keep moving on, and I'm glad it worked out for you :)
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