
Cute ass Tuxedo Dev kitty.

How many ++'s can my pussy get?

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    Please use FB for this kind of crap
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    @BikerMouse Sorry, you must be a dog person.

    Dictating doesn't get you anywhere. If you don't like a post, don't comment? :).

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    @pchater this is DevRant. If everyone places pictures of his/hers pet, it would completely miss it's purpose.

    With this said, if I want to see pictures of cats I would have looked on facebook.
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    More and more this place are becoming pic dump site
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    *Yawn* Stop complaining. At least it's not a stupid 90s meme which is posted 50x over about the same shitty subject by different users. Maybe if you got off your shitty Windows box's you wouldn't be so uptight.

    Besides, that pussy cat right there, is always with me when I'm coding hence why he is here. He is my Dev Kitty. So he is a post in himself. It's also to see how many other devs on here have cats and actually appreciate them.

    Also, I hardly use Facebook. Unless it is to post all other random crud generally about programming / web security or network with friends and family overseas. Personally I think Facebook is complete and utter wank. However that is another rant.

    So my message... If you don't have anything nice to say then STFU because it isn't wanted on devRant. This is supposed to be a friendly community, not full of pretentious fuck wits.
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    @dfox @Trogus Hey! Apparently I shouldn't post pictures of my cute DevCat and we shouldn't be allowed to post imgs/gifs according to these people above.

    Submitting feature request to REMOVE the attach img/gif for these people to be happy!
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    @pchater I'm sorry you feel this way.

    I only asked nicely to please use Facebook. After that I explained my comment nicely.

    Maybe I shouldn't have said "crap" but that was just my opinion. (Not personally to your dev kitty)

    And btw... I use linux. Don't assume. Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    You might want to consider following your own advise, if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all 😉

    Maybe this can sooth things up:
    * Soft kitty, warm kitty
    Little ball of fur

    Happy kitty, sleepy kitty
    Purr, purr, purr *
  • 2
    @pchater you have right to post w/e you want we have right to say wat we think about it. Yes I am uptight windows user, and I don't appreciate cats or dogs for that matter(except ducks). I appreciate code, humour and rants. As far as I know admins don't moderate non offensive content so it's up to us to take care of content we don't want to see, so we state opinion and vote accordingly. This might not be pleasant, but you should not take things personally.
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    @BikerMouse Apologies myself for being such a dramatic ass. Maybe I was a bit harsh, however I felt the need to rant especially where Dev Kitty was concerned.

    I too am a Linux user, which is why he relates to Devs being a Tuxedo cat, I should have named him Tux but that was too common.

    Lets forget the above comments and move forward.

    @maximizer Of course everybody has the right to post w/e they want. Ducks are pretty damn cool to be honest but I prefer my cats. I personally don't want to see the aforementioned meme crap blasted all over dR and the same rants over and over however I don't bother commenting, I just leave it because if things are left then they don't get ++'s if a post doesn't get ++'s then it doesn't pop up in said dR feed. With regards to taking things personally, that's pretty hard to do when someone is insulting on something as simple as this and when you have Asperger's Syndrome. If people dont make twats of themselves then things wouldn't be taken personally.
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    @pchater all forgotten my friend.

    After all... this is the place to rant 😉
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    To further lighten the mood,

    Here's Rita Ora doing a cheeky jingle bell dance.


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    @pchater it's hard to tell if you just mention your medical condition as means of making someone feel guilt or some shit or you for real... either way stay cool and don't five a fuck. And if you want ++ just fish out some fresh tech meme from reddit and you'll have the glory, but I prefer people going for the story.
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    @maximizer I wasn't intending to make anyone feel guilty, if they feel guilty then clearly there is something wrong.


    Should research Asperger's Syndrome. It's a high functioning Autism Disorder.
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    pussies :D
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    @pchater We encourage dev specific content on devRant, so if the rant is completely off topic it is purferred that you don't post. A tiny nibble of context for how your cat relates to your programming habit would help make it more relevant.

    For everyone, if you find content that puts a fishy taste in your mouth, please use the downvote to express your distain, that will surpress the post in the feed and also train the algo to show you less things like that (the algo has collaborative filtering).
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