
Should I install Elememtary OS (Loki) ?
Anyone that uses eOS, why do you use it? Any problems with it? Gimme advice.

I tried it on Virtualbox but apparently it doesn't like that very much. Files didn't have a search function, bit hard to customise.
I'm willing to try, everyone seems to be using it, I assume it shouldn't be that bad.

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    I am a fan, for the looks nothing more. It's just a pretty looking Ubuntu.
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    @coookie which is why I wanna try. I'm not sure it's robust enough.

    Why not just use Ubuntu GNOME?
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    Well the heart wants what the heart wants. It looks ridiculously clean and neat, and I am all about that. Regarding stability, your mileage may vary. And even if you actually encounter bugs, they would be of the sort like prntscr not working, or something equally trivial.

    So far i haven't had a single problem
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    I have to say I have a fairly irrational love of eOS. I love Pantheon's aesthetic so much. But, while I love the desktop I can't say I can recommend eOS itself. It's more or less Ubuntu with a more restrictive set of package remotes (from my experience, maybe it's changed?) and a lot more bugs. Personally what I tend to do is install Arch (or... you know, really any Linux distro that works for you) and install pantheon on it. It's never really easy, since Pantheon isn't "directly supported" on other distros, but since I use Arch, "direct support" is never really an issue :P. We have Yaourt. I'm rambling but hEY THERE YOU GO
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    @Notebookdeviant What package problems you ran into?
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    @coookie I seem to recall that I had to get PPAs for seemingly innocuous packages for development packages that come standard in most other distros' lists. Things like SDL(2) and things like that. Also found that some stuff like chromium was missing? Might not be eOS on that front. Bear in mind I use Arch -- I'm not used to the package manager not just... having what I want...
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    @Artemix Saw you saying that before but I guess that's just your personal experience. Never had any trouble with it myself, runs smooth, fast, no problems whatsoever. Too bad it didn't work out for you, Artemix!
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    My 0.02$ : Very poor battery management. My laptop on ubuntu lasts 4 hours, but just 1 hour on elementary
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    I've used it since the launch and I really like it. It works with everything that I need, most of the time just doing ruby dev stuff. I personally chooser it for how it looks and feels, as other distros have a poorer UX, in my humble opinion. If you got the time just try it out for a few days and see how it goes, I've done that with some distros when I first changed from windows. That's one of the nice things of having so many options, at some point you will find something that suits you, but at the same time all those options can be a bit overwhelming. Good luck!
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