
OS Fight!

Seriously, each 10 rants, one is about hating Windows / Love Linux. Stop, for fucks sake!

I think we should agree to disagree, that everyone has it's options, and, like any programming language, you're going to use whatever suits your needs/situation best.

Let's learn to avoid this utter nonsense debates.

  • 7
    So you like OS X, got it.

    Just kidding, totally agree on that and I would include the language fight.

    You use some langs bc you like or some bc your company tells you to.

    Can we rant about other stuff like bad planning? Errors? Or normal rant material?

    (OS X user myself)
  • 1
    Well, a good discussion is always welcomed.
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    @lostpirate OSX is my FAVORITE linux distro!

    Kidding aside, I dunno. I do find that Windows annoys me a lot but let's all be honest. There's really no modern operating system that's perfect.

    ... Windows is just, the least perfect ;) ...
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    You're probably right. But I love to kick inferior OSs in the pants :)
  • 4
    True, every OS has pros and cons with them:

    ++ game development
    ++ playing video games
    ++ C#
    -- annoying Windows update
    -- shitty command line experience

    ++ Great command line experience
    ++ Package manager
    ++ freedom to mess with the OS and the desktop
    ++ low memory footprint
    ++ Great choice for servers
    -- shitty design softwares
    -- limited good video games

    ++ iOS apps development
    ++ Sketch
    ++ Great command line experience
    ++ Battery life
    -- relatively expensive
    -- annoying XCode updates

    Frisbee- what??
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    @kudamalam On the Windows side, automatic updates can be disabled like on any other OS. Linux command line tools can be used under windows as-well, setting it up requires max 30 minutes. Look into cmder.
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    @devilirium @kudamalam PowerShell is far superior to bash. (The irony of this statement and the subject of the post is not lost on me... But I had to say it because it's true).
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    @devilirium but installing Linux also require less than 30 minutes and solves both problems :p

    Just kidding haha, yeah true though, Windows is definitely getting better for developers while Linux distros barely improve anything in past years (fortunately they're already great at least for me). I'm a Linux user for 7 years but wouldn't mind to make a switch if I have to right now. I couldn't say that last year 👍

    The thing is, I'm not sure if I can say that next year. I don't know what will Microsoft bring to the next iteration of Windows, it could be great, but it could also be very bad for me, it's up to them, it's their OS on my computer. Linux is my OS on my computer.
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    @drRoss honest question: what's so great about it? I haven't got any chance to play with it.
  • 3
    @kudamalam It's object orientated! If you're a Linux user, you can grab PowerShell for Linux from https://github.com/PowerShell/... Give it a try.
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    @drRoss cool! Thanks for the link I'll check it out
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    @drRoss superior to bash? Well, under Windows, which is a mess in terms of OS api's, it might be useful, but is not as elegant as bash, nor as efficient as bash under Linux. You can't really compare them. Your comment has a scent of Win fan boy.
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