
My first step to a better 2017:
Learning to use git.

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    that should be your step for 1994
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    There are loads of tutorials for basic use. Enjoy!
  • 13
    @thmnmlst no problem, wasn't even born back then, but that was the first thing I did after learning to crawl.

    I wanted to version control my LEGO buildings
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    @ac1235 I wasn't even born at the time
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    @CluelessBanana this is great! Thanks!
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    @tild3 No problem! Found this site today because I was also struggling with it. This way, it's seriously quite easy to use.
    By the way, don't struggle to force yourself to use git via command line. All modern IDE's have it integrated, which abstracts all the difficulties away. Though some basic understanding of git via command line is very useful. Be sure to check out SourceTree as well ;)
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    Git for ages four and up : https://youtu.be/1ffBJ4sVUb4 my absolute favourite even after years of usage!
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    I only properly started using clip based git about a month ago.

    You are not alone!
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    I can highly recommend this short talk on git: https://youtu.be/4EOZvow1mk4

    It is called "advanced" but you really only need to know the most basic things for it to be useful.
  • 5
    That's not a better 2017 you're going toward, it's a better life ;)
    DON'T use your IDE to use git ! You'll never learn as much as doing it by yourself, you'll never really understand if you don't do it yourself. Plus you won't always have an IDE. Plus IDEs don't integrate all features of git. Plus you're more likely to mess up. Plus some others reasons I forget.
    Git integration is for people that already master git and worst primary goal is to centralize their tools to be productive ! Your primary goal is to learn :)
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    Once you go git for you never go you never go back (doesn't rhym but it's true!)
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    Great resolution! It'll be the best thing you'll ever do as a developer. Git has a bit of steep learning curve, but it's all worth it. If I were to provide a reference site, gitready.com would be it. It has articles on basic, intermediate and advanced Git concepts.
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    @willol Couldn't agree more! NOTHING beats the terminal when using git. Although there are a few things that come close...
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    @CluelessBanana I disagree. Especially in the beginning, use git via console only.

    And while in the beginning it's OK to just use git commit and push, and then start with branches, yet don't fallback on using git like a centralized version control system. It takes away all its benefits. Understand local and remote repositories and how forks play into this. Understand how the history works. Understand how to revert a merge (and how to revert the revert). And finally, do look up rebase. It's one of the most useful commands in git, yet lot of people are afraid it beyond reason. And yes, it can mess up your repository, yet that's not the problem of the tool but who wields it.
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    Update: best decision ever! :D
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