
I feel so stressed at work right now.

QA signed off on a fix I made, I signed off on a fix I made, and other people signed off on the fix, but it gets out to production and people find it's broken, I get the finger pointed at me.

It's really stressing me out, especially when our client needs custom logic to make their use cases work, and the BE and FE are scrambling to make it work.

It's really affecting the way I work and I don't know what to do. I talked to my boss and he just tells me to "stay positive". Someone please help me.

  • 1
    Define "I get the finger pointed at me." what form this takes. You are responsible for this change at some level. Is it: "drew needs to fix this"? Or: "what the fuck drew you retard?!"?
  • 5
    What’s the fucking point of signing things off then. Your boss should have dished out some severe bollockings, not to you, you did everything right. These lazy fuckers didn’t do their job properly. Think positive, my arse what a useless prick.
  • 9
    The QA seems more responsible for this fuck up IMO, especially since it's their job to make sure features and such don't go into production broken.
    You are still responsible, but yeah, the QA should be the one being pointed at.
    Otherwise why the flip are they signing off your fix?
  • 5
    Move to a software company.
  • 1
    @Demolishun It comes down to someone saying they're unhappy with the changes to my manager, then my manager comes to me with the complaint. Even if it was a platform error, I still get the short end of the stick.
  • 1
    @drewbie Yeah, that sucks. Does your manager realize this?
  • 1
    @Demolishun I talked to him about it, and he understands when it's a platform issue, but the product managers and customers do not care, and just go to the recent ticket that wasn't fulfilled due to a platform issue.

    I think my biggest issue is that if I give the stamp after testing (general and some edge cases), and then QA tests it, gives the stamp of approval, then it turns out something is wrong, only I get the blame. It isn't equally distributed.
  • 0
    Quality is everyone's responsibility. Not only yours, not only the QAs.
  • 4
    How come the QA signed it if? When things like this happen I immediately turn my eyes to the QA because they approved it.
    Also maybe you should at this point allow yourself more time to test on the platform that has issues, and only submit it after you're confident it works well?
  • 3
    Ideally everyone should blame themselves. Pointing fingers left and right doesn't make you do anything different. If it's other's fault, you can't do anything about it, right? If you make it your fault, you can make something about it.
  • 2
    Your primary job is to deliver code that works. QA should confirm that it works in all cases. And you should consider giving UAT environment to customer so that he can test it out before going to production
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