I saw this on twitter. A BMW.

Which language is better now? lol

  • 1
    Say exception handling rather...
  • 9
    Uhm other languages can crash as well. Other than that I love php and JavaScript bitch really
  • 5
    I'm just surprised to see a php exception in a BMW. That's just .. beautiful
  • 2
    If you're given a hammer to use and you start hitting yourself, it's your fault.
  • 6
    @linuxxx bitch? What the fuck autocorrect.....
  • 0
    Should've used JavaScript
  • 4
    @linuxxx 50 shades of PHP, JavaScript edition
  • 0
    i was going to say this is the most verbose error message in php i ever saw, then i realized it's just php being itself again, and giving a fatal error that's uncatchable inside a damned catch block
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