
Only for Linux lovers...

  • 6
    It really depends on what you call "success".
  • 2
    @runfrodorun well thats one way to look at it.

    If we look at how much revenue it has generated (which is more of a business thing, but still, its what some people call success), then a lot of software have surpassed it (including snapchat😂)
  • 4
    Just look at the post text and then at my username 😄
  • 2
    @runfrodorun but linus(linux) is not making any money out of it even if they are using linux.

    And snapchat can do the same things without linux, so it isn't dependent on that.

    I'm not saying that linux is not successful in any way. I'm just saying it isn't the *most* successful if you see it from a different point of view.
  • 1
    software = program????
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