
I started to study programming this year, but now after a couple of months i feel burned out and that i'm just not getting anywhere, what should i do?

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    @fruitfcker @UnicornPoo oh i guess forgot to clarify it, my bad.

    well, i think you could say i'm still trying to figure it out, like at first i tought about getting into web dev, but then i kinda of always wanted to make a game so i started a Unity course. do you think it has something to do with it?
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    Burning out when learning something new is normal - especially when you're just following tutorials. Because you're learning something brand new constantly.
    I thought I'd never get the hang of Flutter until I made the active decision to dive in the deep end and write a project with it for work. I am nowhere near a pro, I still don't understand so much of it - but I use the easier basic parts of it repetitively (simple widgets on pages) and it helps me to map it out in my head.
    Don't try to learn everything before you jump in. Just learn some basics and then run with it.
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    @ojt-rant that's very comforting to know, thanks for the advice!
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    Learning new things can be stressful, it’s normal
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    take a break, find other things to do. programming is creatively taxing, you can't do it non-stop. find inspiration, learn something new, go nuts and maybe come back later, if you're still interested
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