Who agree with this!!

  • 0
    Nah fucker
  • 1
    Well I'm hacker then
  • 0
    Horse shit
  • 1
    That's just bollocks. @kimmax can we add these flame-war posts to the list?
  • 2
    @JerreMuesli yup, and this graph doing the rounds is just the sort of shit that puts potentially brilliant peoole off. Let's face it, who actually wants to work in this sort of culture?

    People who propagate this sort of shit: Is your head is so far up your ass that you're blind to the harmful effects you're having on the industry?
  • 1
    Given the state of the industry these days, we should be doing everything we can to attract new and enthusiastic people. God knows it's not exactly an attractive working environment, so we need to be making it better. What we shouldn't be doing is propagating this tribal BULLSHIT and starting flame wars.
  • 0
    Does SSHing into Linux server count? Guess that would make me a hacker.
  • 2
    I think developers only use one OS. The ones who are developers and use both Linux and Windows probably are gamers too
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