
What the...!

  • 8
  • 134
    Looks like a harddrive to me.
    ✔️ Solid
    ✔️ Spins
    ✔️ Needs power
    ✔️ Is connected to the mainboard
  • 104
    ❌ Stores data.
  • 4
    The PCU does look like the biggest unit in the cabinet. If I were a pleb, I'd totally think that's a hard drive. Because you know...its big, makes noise n all.
  • 12
    Sounds like you've got yourself a free laptop!
  • 7
    That's gotta be at least 5 GBs
  • 4
    @matsaki95 That's because you've grown up with these machines.
  • 30
    I showed this picture to my gf, she said "oh it's a fan isn't it?"

    I mean, there is a fan in there I guess.
  • 22
    Consider youself lucky that they didn't emailled you a windows "shortcut" to that hard drive.
  • 1
    @JoshuaBehrens Solid excludes Spinning, don't you think?
  • 1
    I showed this post to my missus. She literally laughed out loud.
  • 2
    The repost is strong in this one
  • 0
  • 0
    Canned myself when I saw this.
  • 0
    How are people this goddamn clueless...
  • 0
  • 1
    @H4RD-C0D3R : Hardcore noises, because of all "those" videos onboard ;)
  • 0
    @thureos I guess I was not specific enough. It is solid block and contains something spinning in it.
  • 0
    There's your problem
  • 1
    I feel like somebody tried to pull off a joke based on csi episode with "we got this hard-drive"
  • 0
    People on the train just looked at me like why the fuck is he laughing so hard at his phone.
  • 0
    Are we reposting all of Reddit now?
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