Im getting tired of this fucking scrum team.

First of all let me introduce our backend team which takes 3 weeks to add one fucking column to database and in the end turns out they fucked up RabbitMQ RPC implementation so the column is not syncing with our app at all so now we have to wait 2 extra weeks until that will be working. Best part is that backend fucker who fucked up doesnt even feel like hes blocking a feature and would rather sit for extra few days and do nothing until he gets reassigned his pile of shit back to him than clean up his own shit.

Then we have business analytic who doesnt know how to define tasks properly so I have to record each grooming meeting so I would know what to fucking implement because he doesnt even bother to take proper notes. Which results in not fully defined tasks, which results in unexpected behaviours and MR's stuck in limbo for weeks.

Also lets not forget QA guy who doesnt even bother writing scenarios, I as an app dev have to write them myself just to be sure that fucker will test everything thoroughly.

Then we have fucking devs from consultancy agency who apparently have 6 years of experience (I have barely 2) and these fuckers are spamming me daily with the most basic questions. After each grooming they rush to assign themselves tasks which are not even defined properly yet and not even in this sprint, but fuckers are lazy so thy want to reserve easier tasks for themselves. Pathetic.

At least I have a decent senior on my team, but sometimes he patronizes me so much that I start asking me what I am doing in this team.

Fuck this shit, I asked for a 43% raise and if Im not getting it in 2-3 weeks im outta here. Fuckers.

  • 6
    I mean imagine your feature being a simple popup to update a list in the UI in 3-4 scenarios and it takes 4-6 weeks for it to reach production and then on deployment day u realize that 2 other people in the chain fucked up and now you have to take all the pressure for not delivering.

    Motherfuckers. This is how motivation and initiative is killed. They have no passion and they dont fucking care. Im starting to feel like my life is becoming this Ofice space movie.
  • 1
    "It'th a protheth"
  • 2
    @lambda123 You mean I shouldnt care that much and just do bare minimum bcs I will not loose this job?
  • 2
    You care too much. So stop doing everybody elses job before you burnout completly.

    Start looking for the next job.
  • 0
    If you die noone will care anyways so why stress?
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