I hate Wednesdays. Networking has the Antimalware service run a full/deep scan every Wednesday and my machine is basically unusable until it finishes.

Devs: "Can we have the scheduled task not run during the day, maybe even on the weekend?"
Gary: "Security is our #1 priority and without proper security methods in place, we'll be open to outside threats. Security begins with you, and ..blah blah blah"

Bite me Gary. I got something for ya.

Get-ScheduledTask | ? TaskName -eq 'Windows Defender Scheduled Scan' | Stop-ScheduledTask

  • 9
    Every time it happens start incident management up and get everyone on a zoom call until it's resolved.

    One of two things will happen.

    Eventually the scans will be rescheduled to a better time.

    Or, nobody will show up and you can kill the AV scan and you can take note that it was the culprit of the incident that required an incident management response. If leadership had been on the call they may have been involved in the decision of what to do.

    Rinse and repeat until you get the results you need.

    They may also just shitcan you, but since you have been taking notes on all the incidents taking place you could threaten legal repercussions for wrongful termination.
  • 8
    If you can stop it, you can delay it till after work.

    It purely is security theatre anyways. But better let it run regularly lest you attract the gaze of the compliance checklist bureaucrats...
  • 7
    I have a similar issue, but I have a workaround. I just set my Slack status to "antivirus scanning..." and go get some coffee. Come back in 30-40 minutes and everything's ready to go!
  • 1
    The problem is windows and its popurlatity in companies.

    If rhe Desktops aren't Windows, Windows shit(Virus, malware) wouldn't be able to run in the first place.
  • 2
    @max19931 unfortunately, corporate IT is the problem, not Windows. I use a Mac at work and still have a similar issue with a third-party antivirus scan. It slows my computer to a crawl once a week.
  • 1
    @EmberQuill AV is just fancy scareware.

    A good email filter, and common sense would help a lot in fighting spam(infections).

    Also using dedicated Emails for each Service used, which makes leakage detection easier.

    get a ton of spam to an email used for ex. Facebook, Facebook sold their email list, or somebody hacked the service and got the email list.
  • 0
    And 6 comments for the classic butthurt Windows user to appear. 🙃
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