
Today a grown up sys admin restarted our softwares docker container just to see which URL will not work anymore to know if they installed it on the right machine. Without warning their users about the downtime.

This is so absurdly unprofessionell i could never make this up.

  • 2
    Sometimes it's the only suitable approach... In my sysadmin days I had to do that once or twice, to smoke the app owners out.
  • 0
    Really? Pkease explain in what situation.
  • 9

    Me: Does anyone know what this does?

    Devs: No.

    Me: Does anyone know which client this belongs to?

    Upper management / sales: No.

    Me: Do you know why this project exists?

    PMs: No.

    Me pulls the plug.

    ... When suddenly a wild dev appears:

    Dev: I got an angry XY who told me their favorite butt plug project broke. We need this.

    Me: Lil Timmy, then document it properly and send an email notification to the PMs / management so they're aware of it.


    Happened more often than I'd like to admit.

    Sometimes even with the very fucked up situation that management forgot to bill invoices for the project.

    Nope, not a joke.

    Reason why Lil Timmy should mail upper management and PMs.
  • 1
    I hope you don't work at, for example, a nuclear power plant.
  • 10

    admin: "does anyone know which plant uses this app?"

    mgmt: "nope"

    admin: * shuts app down, turns on tv and switches to CNN news *

    CNN: BREAKING NEWS! A NUCLEAR POWERPLANT IN Backbutt, CA, just had an emergency shutdown after it started unexpectedly overheating!

    admin: oh, that one. * makes a note, starts the app back again *
  • 1
    So logs and prober troubleshooting is not happening? No correlation tech likr ELK + grafana ? Sad sysadmin.
  • 0
    They just didn't knew on which instance they where on. Of two.

    The could
    - Look at their DNS entries
    - traceroute
    - do anything in the Programm and check of some logs are written

    I mean come on.
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