I swear macOS Sierra is worse than Windows Vista, I need to type my password like 10 times to install and launch XCode...

  • 10
    And once you open Xcode you actually have to use it...
  • 2
    Linux ftw!
  • 1
    Been using osx past three years, never had such a problem.
  • 0
    Sounds like somewhere along the lines you changed the permissions on some important directories. Only ever asks for my password once.

    You can't possibly be trying to say that installing VS is easier.
  • 1
    @lewdogg Stock instance of macOS... Also no, VS is not even remotely better (Msft, I don't need a IDE bigger than an OS)
  • 0
    @dontbeevil fine I was being a bit harsh on VS, sorry! :)
  • 0
    @dontbeevil no mac vs linux vs windows post on devrant would be complete without dontbeevil mentioning the time he had to use mac for 10 hours.
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