Once you go Mac, you never go back!

  • 15
    yea. Cuz it locks you in. Thatswhy i will never start.
  • 4
    @joewilliams007 "Support group" doesn't seem to mean the same for Appleians Anonymous as for the other "AA" group.
  • 6
    Once you go crack, you never want back.
  • 6
    Eh, Mac didn't do it for me, it's more locked in then windows.

    Ill see myself out
  • 6
    Can't relate everytime i Touch an Apple Product and try to use it, I immediatly get angry.
  • 7
    I tried, maybe only to feel even more happiness about Linux than ever before :-)
  • 4
    once you go mac, you've ruined everything.

    just like hacking off your arm with an extremely dull, rusty knife, there are some decisions that just can't be reverted.
  • 1
    @fraktalisman correct! You deprive yourself of happiness and sanity only to realise how great and important they are
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    @jonas-w i just realized i created a new apple product "iTouch"
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    I got a mac from my work. After trying to set up a multiboot with ubuntu and failing because, of course, mac, I ended up setting up Windows with WSL on the machine and, gods, I will never go back. Wake me up once osx can handle side buttons on a mouse without installing some stupid program. I'm just glad I got an old one which is not an arm machine and cold get windows on it relatively easily.
  • 1
    ok boomer
  • 4
    @msdsk you can setup a linux distro on the new m1 macs quite easily, too, via UTM.

    Work supplies me with a Mac, and tbh, I’m quite happy to work with it. Most stuff I need just works, and what doesn’t, can be made to, no harder than anything on a linux, on average. I’m just happy to not have to use Windows (tho I have no exp with WSL, since that wasn’t around when I’ve last done anything but gamed on Win). Damn those are a pain in the ass to work with as a dev. Outside of work, tho, linux all the way. It makes me happy.
  • 3
    Yup. Best dev environment. Of course, most people will hate it because it’s different or because it‘s not Windows or because it‘s expensive.

    Missing support for special mouse keys sucks, yes, I speak from experience. But I doubt that it‘s important for development.
  • 1
    the moment i went on a macbook air, i got a medium sized tumor, and immediately went back to windows for work. the only reason, why i would touch it, is if im forced to deploy some app on iOS.

    Bear in mind, im not daily driving any of these OS'.
  • 0
    @catgirldev I installed Linux on a Lenovo desktop and it stopped working after a week. Good that it works for you but don’t go around recommending it to people.

    Apple and System76 are the only serious manufacturers.
  • 1
    Had a MacBook Pro from work, found multi tasking and m1 incompatibilities a bit of a struggle. And once the novelty wore off I realised I had too many other things in life to worry about without retraining my brain and muscle memory to do in OSX what I can already do in windows.
    Gave it back yesterday for a windows machine.
    (Linux isn’t an option)

    Fantastic hardware though I’ve give you that. Amazingly cool all day. My new Windows laptop could fry eggs.
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    And then you spend all of your savings.
  • 3
    I used to love macs, but nowadays they're shit too.

    Linux forever now.
  • 4
    Bruh, the price is repelling enough for me to not even consider buying one of these ... Things.
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    I would rather do User Experience Design for Linux Desktop Applications than work with Apples garbage.
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    Like Samsung back in the day, love the hardware. Hate the keyboard handling and disappointed in the hyped OSX.
    So glad to do back to Linux.
  • 2
    Did it, hated it. Everytime I wrote an @ sign, it closed the window.

    Apple alt + q = quit
    Latin-1 german keyboard alt + q = @ sign
  • 1
    @KDSBest alt grrrr
  • 2
    @KDSBest this is one of the most stupid reasons to dismiss mac. Sadly, it’s probably one of the most common.

    "OMG! That one thing that I’m used to is different on the mac! Apple is so stupid! OMG mac sucks!"
  • 1
    @Lensflare you don't understand what it feels like to setup a test session setup for 10 mins and then you have to enter an email and you close the debug browser and your whole test setup is down the drain.
    And this happening 12 times a day.

    It is an absolut valid reason todo that and it's a year long created habbit. When I'm in the zone, this will happen. It's not dislike. It is hate at that moment!

    I think you don't understand that.
  • 1
    @KDSBest I’ve closed some things by accident myself when I first started using mac. Yes, it’s annoying.
    And I was surprised how fast (a few weeks) you can relearn habits that you had for years.
    But if you don’t want to, you can just remap you keyboard. There are apps that do exactly that.
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