  • 7
    this is my favourite.
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  • 4
    I feel like 98% of those are an attempt to make the most unusable thing in terms of UX and accessibility.
  • 7
    This rant really whips the llamas ass!
  • 0
    Winamp in the age of skeuomorphism 😏
  • 2
    @kamen reported
  • 5
    My reaction:

    😳WTF is th…

    🤦‍♂️OMG I am old
  • 1
    Did I pass?
  • 2
    Winamp + winxp ftw.
  • 1
    I love you for this
  • 2
    So that bring back memories! I learned so much writing winamp avs presets!
  • 3
    I had all those themes back in the day.
    Thanks for the trip down to memory lane
  • 1
    I remember tinkering with Winamp, AIMP, and... Windows Media Player's visualizations. Play some Mozart and enjoy watching the show.
  • 2
    I remember using those funky skins on mplayer. The minified versions where quite handy. Did love the classic winamp skin though. When I see it now it gives me a nice nostalgic feeling.

    Did ditch it as soon as foobar2000 came out. No skins just really good audio features. But also no nostalgia.
  • 0
    Excuse me if It's a dumb question but what IS this
  • 0
    @clamore it's Winamp skins
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    @scor trying to slowly win the new audience eh? just admit it, you're salty because my legs are prettier than yours, and I'm not even biologically a female. Quit objectifying people!
  • 1
    @kiki Nevers Heard about this thing
  • 3
    @clamore Winamp was THE way to listen to mp3 back in Windows XP days
  • 1
    @clamore tell me how old you are without telling me how old you are.

    @kiki still can be if you want to run i386 hardware still. I still run a Windows XP system for ancient software that I use one every few months.
  • 1
    @sariel I have windows xp top of the line ibm thinkpad in mint condition
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