
Graduated with a comp. sci. degree and i cant find a fucking job for over 1 month

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    @zlice Yes, back in the day, IT was needed, we all needed someone to do the job. Now we are starting to see that there are too many people coming on the market for the jobs.

    Most jobs also are getting replaced by scripts, azure and all that stuff.

    What was once a 'bottleneck profession' is now gone.
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    @zlice i dont care. Its not my fault. It has nothing to do with me. What am I supposed to do starve to death?
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    @Grumm what do i do
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    Bruh I had to work as a package handler for a whole year before getting my first tech job. 1 month is nothing.
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    @b2plane keep looking for a job ?
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    @Grumm best place to find
    - backend java or
    - flutter or
    - web3 blockchain junior dev

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    @b2plane Does it really matter ?

    My first job was in Dataflex...

    At some point, you have to be picky about the job you want, or just go with whatever language and just take that job.

    I always see the language as just a simple tool to do the job. Give me 1 week and I manage to code in python, or c# or java or whatever you want. The logic does not change. (Sometimes maybe but that is all syntax problems)
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    One month is not a lot of time. Give it a bit.
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    By the time I finished my CS degree I had been working as security guard for 10 years...
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    @Grumm how do i get hired by taking whatever language if i will fail the interview because i know nothing about the language?
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    @CoreFusionX how long did you need to finish your degree
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    My first real job took like 6 months to find:
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    I got a job soon after graduation, it was terrible. I wish I'd kept looking for longer, but I just wanted something as soon as possible. This was short sighted.

    My second job was terrible too. Only at my third job did I feel somewhat appreciated.
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    10 years. (I have both physics and CS).
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    @Demolishun wtf😹😹😹😹😹 whats the point of graduation college and degrees??
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    @theXpanther what exactly was terrible
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    @CoreFusionX what do they tell you when hiring, do they look down upon you for taking so long?
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    Shouldn't have bombed their toilet in the interview
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    @b2plane I was told by my interviewer, when I hired on to become a controls engineer, that my degree had a lot of value to them. I had also worked as an electronics technician for a year before that. I went to a tech school.
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    @b2plane Many things. The development team was comprised only of juniors, nobody knew what they where doing. Deadlines where extremely tight. Code style, unit tests, CI, etc. was non-existant. Everyone was working on like 10 projects at once.

    The thing is they didn't even really try to hide this. They said they where "still setting these things up". So I could have easily rejected them, but they where the first company to give me a offer and I went for it. The pay was quite bad too so overall it was just a bad deal for me.

    Now I get paid 1.5 times as much and work on just one project at a time, working with experienced seniors who know what they are doing and can teach me. It's great.
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    @b2plane why would they? When I started physics, it was a 5 years degree, but I took 6, which is fairly standard. CS was 4 in 4 years.

    Regarding CS, no, I don't think my degree was particularly useful in me landing a job.

    Proving I had real knowledge of algebra, optics and signal processing did though.

    Some years later my boss actually told me that he was sold by the fact I had already been working since I was 16, because it proved I had discipline, which a fresher may not have at first
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    I started 8 years ago as communications undergrad, applied for 5 jobs in IT, and got 3 offers after 1 month (I did have a passion for webdev so I'd already worked on OSS for 2 years).

    Maybe you should contemplate moving to EU haha, good IT ppl have been in short supply since forever. We do have (way) lower pay but then again all other costs are a fraction of what they are in US
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    Try removing "web3 blockchain" from your résumé 😂
    This area is filled with scams and has no real use case
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    @devRancid thats so sad. The first thing people think about web3 is scams and frauds. But dont dare to honor its technology revolution. If you looked past the scams you'll realize technology is solid. Its not technology's fault because of humans evil greed
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    @b2plane must be shitty recruiters then.

    Here in my area, they hardly question you about the language. They just ask, do you know it.

    Answering ' No but I am eager to learn it' is a totally valid and respected answer.

    Then they just ask global analytic questions.

    (I even had an interview who said, you can do it in any language you prefer. Even pseudo code is accepted most of the time. What matters is the thought process)
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