
Thread topic: religion, philosophy, matrix

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Let me get this straight:

There are 4 founders of the BAYC NFTs.

1 has a fasist/nazi pseudo name
1 has a racist pseudo name
1 has a satanic pseudo name
1 has a pedophile pseudo name

Their logo is a copy of Nazi Waffen Totenkopf emblem, which was the German division force of the Nazi concentration camps

And they became billionaires.



Sam bankman the founder of FTX crypto shit robbed people for 32 BILLION dollars. And hes not in jail because he donated most of that money to democratic political party, leaving himself 1 billion dollars as allowance. Now that he bought political power, politicians protect him. So he's having fun in the bahamas and penthauses, having generational wealth and enriching his fraud parents.



Balenciaga. They posted photos of female children holding fluffy toys with BDSM sexual bondage. Books on the table, with excerpt of Michael Borremans, who draws "art" of naked children covered in blood and being sacrificed in rituals. Then a book of "The Cremaster Cycle", which is a demented image that symbolizes "the murder and resurrection of Abiff". Hiram Abiff was the central character during Masonic initiation rituals as the culmination of a three-part process. Etc

Balenciaga is a multi million dollar "brand".



What i learned through all my years of existing on this planet is, being good and doing good, does not pay off. I still live in the matrix. I am still a slave. I am still playing the game of earn to survive. Even while doing software engineering. And I don't know 1 single wealthy person who has obtained all that wealth by doing something good.

This has further lead me to realization: God doesn't help you get rich or wealthy. God doesn't give a fuck if you're rich or poor. He aint gonna help you. But do you know who will? That's right - evil forces will help you get wealthy. Funny how that works?

Because I am christian and believe in God, pray to God and did good all my life - I haven't received anything good in return, my life has not improved, in fact it has devolved and became worse.

Therefore, I came to a conclusion: I will switch teams. I'll let the evil demonic forces take over and guide me to wealth. I'm ready to scam, defraud, develop ponzis and step on corpses and people to get out of the matrix. Perhaps this is how and why good people turn into villains?

Now you understand.

I dont ask to be on the top. I just want to Not play the Matrix game. Which is the game where you have to earn to survive. I want to get into any store and buy whatever i want, without worrying how much does it cost or asking for a discount. People dumber than me do it. But i cant? That means there has to be a loophole in the matrix. An escape plan is possible. I tried escaping since 2018 and failed. For 4, almost 5 years. Because i was trying to escape through good forces. I'll now try to escape using demonic forces and perhaps I'll end up like BAYC founders, FTX founder, Balenciaga brand and many others similar to them. Ending up even half of their success or a fraction - I'll be more than happy. I am not happy living in poverty. Im getting sick of it. I'm getting sick to be underpaid $600/month for doing a job as hard as software engineering, even with a CS degree. Life is not meant to be slaved away till 65+ years old. I can't even afford to buy a car with this slave salary.

So forgive me God. Im just tired of life. Im tired of being a slave. Im tired of watching my parents become older, weaker and still working. I'll shut down all of my morals and I am ready to rob people in Web3 using all of my programming knowledge that has been undervalued.

"A little boy asked God for a new bike for his birthday, but he knows God doesn't work that way. So he stole a bike and prayed to God for forgiveness"

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    You, my dude, allready switched teams long time ago. We already know from the other thread that you work for a web3 booth despite being aware of it's inherent evil.
    Good luck on your way becoming a supervillain and thank you for your post which i can use in my next novel for the bad guy - but don't expect absolution from those who doesn't decide for this way.
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    So totally ignoring the end game then?

    BTW, Christ already showed you wealth and power are the domain of evil when he was tempted by satan. satan promised Christ all the kingdoms of the world. I am not sure why one would follow creature vs creator.

    Just be aware, we are in a pendulum swing right now. It happens approximately every 100 years. The last major one was around 1920s. It is very likely this will be a freedom shift rather than a force shift. This one is going to be world wide.

    The reason people work their entire life is because the system is rigged, and also people are taught to trade time for money. Leverage is what you need to understand to escape this. This is still hard due to the system being rigged to push the middle class into poverty. Right now during this global recession/depression is THE time to start a business. If it can survive this climate it will survive boom times as well.
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    So, you have realized that God doesn’t exist. Good, welcome to the team. Even though something tells me that you are just mad at God and still believe in his existence…

    There is no need to turn 180 and take a substitute belief (jour "evil demonic forces").
    No need to become an asshole that hurts others and hates the whole world.
    Sure, you can get money by being a scumbag, but don’t try to justify it by having been betrayed by god and your previous beliefs. It doesn’t make you likable and it doesn’t excuse your actions. If you choose to be an asshole, you are just an asshole.

    Be a reasonable guy. The world is chaotic and purposeless. There is no reward for being good or bad.
    The question is: Do you want people to hate you? If no, then don’t be an asshole.
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    This is why I never trust religious people. They can be the nicest, most generous and caring people in the world but in reality they wouldn't move a twig if they didn't have a stake in it.
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    @lorentz indeed.
    If it takes religion for you to be a good person, then you are not a good person.
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    @Lensflare I never said I don't believe in existence in God. Heck, if there is so much evil in the world then that means there has to be an equal and opposite force (as Newton's third law) - the good side. I dont care if im viewed as a scumbag. I dont care how im called. I dont care if people hate me or love me. None of that is going to pay my bills or help my parents escape poverty. I need a force thats gonna help me escape just enough so i and my parents dont have to be slaves anymore
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    @Lensflare its not about religion. I have always been a good person irrelevant of religion because of the way I was raised. However after being poisoned by so much evil, injustice, helplesness and poverty in the world, i cant help but realize how much evil is going on in this world. How everything is rigged and pure evil. The whole world is ran by evil. And therefore it makes me question religion. It makes me question: why is the creator, the good force of the side allowing the world to be ran by more evil than good? The excessive amount of evil is what makes me bring religion into the equation. If evil is the only way to escape the rigged system, then "if you can't beat them join them" is the only unfortunate option i guess?
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    @lorentz religious people have nothing to do with this. I think if the mind is poisoned by evil forces, that will make any person--regardless of their religion--to commit evil stuff
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    @Demolishun what if Web3 is my leverage to escape poverty?
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    Listen to yourself, talking about mystical forces and envying people that have more than you. You think you're worshiping the wring deity and *that's* your problem?! My man, you need a reality check. The world doesn't work on good and evil, nothing is binary like that. To really see through the "matrix" as you call it you don't need to go black-pilled. You just need to be completely pragmatic and peer into the void. There is no god, there is no reason for life other than hard evolution, people are just horny animals and most of them are stupid and gullible because agency is hard and most just want to be told what to do. Theres no free will, everyone ticks on completely biomechanical inputs and people that are rich are just emotionally bankrupt enough to exploit that for their own gain, not because they are satanists, or racist or any other made up -ist word, but because that's how they min-max life. Stop looking for some higher power and instead look into a mirror
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    The richest person is the one happy and satisfied with what he has.

    More money means more problems. Take it from Biggy
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    @b2plane I don't think technology itself is evil. Like everything it is a tool. Use the tools of your enemy against them. The enemy being principles and principalities.

    Maybe I am not understanding. What is wrong with web3?
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    @b2plane The rules of the physical world are not the same as the rules for the metaphysical.
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    @Demolishun or the digital
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    @b2plane Selfishness is the greatest sin
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    @Demolishun nothing's wrong with web3. In fact web3 is so powerful it can empower society and improve lives. But with such great power you can do the opposite and destroy lives for your own personal benefit, like most developers are doing in web3 over here and there are no consequences because there are no legal laws regarding web3
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    Supernatural beings most likely don't exist. People likely are like they are and do what they do without any supernatural beings' intervention.

    Most humans don't feel good when they believe that they are "bad". So before trying to increase your "evilness", you might consider just becoming a lazy fuck instead. Just work the bare minimum required to make ends meet until you find something that pays better and/or feels better. Live a modest life and have fun.

    Btw, if you are actually into one of the things you tried suspiciously hard to distance yourself from in the preamble: Humans in general can't really choose what turns them on. Just accept that your desires exist and try to satisfy them without harming anyone. "Art" made without using any actual living beings is fine for that. Don't shame yourself - seek professional help if you feel like nedding some.
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    @b2plane I need to clarify that I'm specifically talking about Europe and Christians, because that's what I've experienced.

    Christians have an additional reason to pretend to like and support people compared to atheists beyond basic human respect, so they more frequently appear kind and respectful, but this appearance is more often a farce.

    Christianity also has a whole culture around hidden expectations and specifically making basic human respect dependent on arbitrary conditions regarding the object's private life. In addition, because Christians make a difference between good and bad people and not the individual actions, they're much more likely to withdraw that respect rather than resolve conflicts.
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    From the inside this looks like they're concluding that someone is - and always was - a bad person, or has necessarily been under bad influence, from the outside it produces a pattern where Christians will start to hate me when they don't like something I'm doing instead of starting a conversation about it. And in all cases, if I can get them to talk about the issue, their basic standpoint is that if something is negative it's necessarily connected to some great evil force, it comes from somewhere, and it needs to be eliminated. I obviously don't like Christianity, I consider it a bad thing, but I don't consider Christians bad people and I'm not trying to educate them out of it, past dangerous degrees of science denial which pose a risk to communities - a very real one, evidenced by the resurfacing of previously eliminated epidemics in the bible belt.
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    Did you read in the Bible that being a Christian would/should lead to material gain?

    Matthew 19:24

    “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
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    Life is unfair but generally you’ve been born amongst the people that might have a chance to become the 1% (unlike the dude that was born in North Korea slaving away his cereal crops). On that basis generically with time and efforts (not a mere 5 years (you can remove 2 because of Covid and I feel like that fucked most people up even the richest)) you can achieve a good position in the work world. Hell you are even in a good industry yourself so chances are you will at least have a product manager (or way more) type of job by the end of your career
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    Money is just an exchange form for energy and not inherently good or bad. The caution against money is actually a caution against the love of money and thinking it will solve all problems (including existential angst).

    Any power can be used for good or evil and money is just a kind of power. Money used for good in service of others for your life's purpose can be a good use of it. Basically keep it flowing. Pass it on and it comes back to you for what you need. Don't spend wantonly or be overly frugal. Just use it in accordance with your own Dao heart. Be true to yourself in other words in your use of money.

    If you have limiting beliefs in not getting the money you need watch this:
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