That moment when you realize you'd be the shittiest programmer around if Stack Overflow didn't exist...

  • 4
    "That moment when you realize you'd be a shit if Stack Overflow didn't exist..."

    fixed it for ya
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    Being dependant on SO isn't a particularly good quality.
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    @nblackburn I think that's the point..
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    @arthur23 I think the point was that they get back with the aid of SO.

    It was just some friendly advice as i genuinely want the best for people and perhaps saying that will help them to make that change.
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    The question of how to exit Vim
    On stackoverflow
    Got over one million views
    Meaning stackoverflow helped more than one million dev to exit vim
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    At my first job all the devs said that your live is way easier because you guys(new webdevelopers) have stackoverflow 😂 and she didn't
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    True dat
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    I would never have learned the magic of switch (Java)
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    Haha or I would just end up actually reading all the documentation.
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