Can we talk about how avatar of kaine is lowkey ruining devrant?

  • 4
    Does he?
  • 5
    @Kernel By spamming DR with psycho shit.
  • 1
    I agree with you. it good
  • 6
    @Fast-Nop dunno, he became a background noize to me. I rarely pay attention to his crap.
  • 6
    I've grown to like the guy, as weird and wacky as he is
  • 4
    Yes, he often posts non-dev stuff, but so do others like Kiki, Jase etc. It's quite entertaining.
  • 5
    The only word I retain from his speech is “chomo”. I think it’s a pretty good summary as well.
  • 6

    ^ This to be honest

    But for real, I get what you mean but idk. I don't mind the guy on his good days. He often good questions before he switches into psychosis and I don't mind a bit of mental noise in my content, keeps me on edge. I like to try and guess which posts are by Kaine or by Kiki before clicking on them. fun game...

    But yeah, you're not exactly wrong either.
  • 1
    Like a few of Kaine’s posts/comments are funny but most of them are just bot garbage
  • 5
    A way to collapse certain users' rants and comments by default would be nice. He doesn't bother me but schizoposting can definitely be annoying.
  • 0
    I find his posts endearing, if off topic.

    I love puzzles, I might try to actually piece out the background narrative some day.

    Or maybe he's just a prototype GPTchat.

    Or low-key trolling us all, I've seen everything 😂
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX Knowing chatGPT, I no longer have a convincing reason why he couldn't be emulated by a sufficiently large speech synthesis model. Part of the reason why I'm freaked out by chatGPT is that most idiots on the internet can now be replaced by plausible text generators at .002 cents per word.
  • 1

    Well that would only be scary if you held internet idiots in any esteem.

    Tho I can see how it can be a problem when most of humankind are servile sheeps.
  • 0
    @lorentz you can mark them as "not for me" and they will be hidden from you
  • 0
    @iiii Thanks I didn't know that! However, I would like to know when a post has been Kainized, and be able to read the comment at will when someone responds to it. I'm not allergic to the guy, I just want to turn his (imaginary) drunken raspy bellowing into a distant background noise that I can listen to at will when I have external reasons to believe that it's relevant.
  • 1
    @lorentz oh, I meant the rants. Only rants can be hidden that way. It does not really do anything to comments if you downvote them like that
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