When you have so much time on your hands that you create a rotating 3D cube console program...

  • 45
    Would be awesome to have that as a screensaver in my SSH sessions
  • 8
    Wow, that must have taken a while. Sounds pretty cool though.
  • 17
    I NEED a gif
  • 3
    I'd love to see it in action :D
  • 40
    @LucaScorpion @LucaScorpion There is also a mode where you control it with the mouse.
  • 6
    @Olverine That's awesome
  • 3
    The gif is pretty shitty tho 😅
  • 5
    this (non)rant definitely calls for a stress ball.
  • 9
    Yo. That's really fucking cool. Best thing I can do in c++ is hello world :p
  • 2
    i come back again and again to see this once more. man it is beautiful.
  • 2
    Holy shit this is awesome, thanks for sharing!
  • 2
    I guess that's a good practice to get into actual 3D rendering
  • 8
    Wow! I did not expect such positive response! I'll fix a repo sometime today!
  • 13
    I'd star that on GitHub anytime
  • 4
    You can make a background program that counts a certain time between user interrupts, and when it reaches its target time it starts printing the rotating cube. I might just build that myself, thanks for inspiring me!
    Might want to configure it to not print if there is a foreground program other than bash running though...
  • 6
    That's extremely fuckin' awesome dude. Would rate 5/5. Got a download tho?
  • 2
    awesome feat of inginuity man.
  • 12
    Github or it didn't happen!
  • 16
    @Linux @nmaggioni @rephiscorth @k0pernikus
    Here is the repo as requested: https://github.com/Olverine/...

    Sorry it took a while
  • 0
    Looks like the binding of Isaac 🤔
  • 1
    @NyxMC actually, I think you can just remove the input.h file and it should run on Linux. I'm not sure though
  • 1
    @NyxMC I have made some changes and here it is running (very poorly) on Ubuntu. Keep in mind that it was optimized for the windows command prompt and never intended to run on Linux.
    I have made a new branch called "Linux" were you can get the modified version and instructions on how to compile it.
  • 0
  • 0
    @Linux are you sure you pulled the right branch? It should be '#include "quaternion.hpp"'
  • 2
    @Olverine I got the same error. I think it's something wrong on your side. Like a typo or something.
  • 1
    @Numinex maybe it's not merging correctly. Try copying the code from the branch on GitHub. It works for me!
  • 2
    @Linux @Numinex I tried cloning the repo into an empty directory and pulling from origin Linux and it compiles first try.
  • 0
    I just want to run "git clone" :(
  • 1
    @NyxMC it does not clear the screen unfortunately. Let me know if you find a good fix for this :)
  • 1
    if you print a char with the value 0x0C, that clears the screen.
  • 0
    Just make sure ypu reset the background color to black before printing the clearscreen character, or else it will fill the screen with whatever color was selected as background.
    (that is assuming you're using ANSI escape sequences)
  • 5
    @vanhoosr your solution didn't work for me but it lead to some interesting research. I finally found that by printing the ANSI code: "\033[1;1H", you can move the cursor to the beginning of the text and overwrite the previous frame! Now it works beautifully!
  • 2
    @NyxMC ...so there's a fix on GitHub now!
  • 3
    Thanks for boosting my confidence! xD
  • 1
    that is hilariously awesome
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