
I went on a date over two weeks ago. It seemed to go well, but the next week she called me and said she wasn't interested, giving reasons why.

I was disappointed but responded as friendly and responsibly as possible. It was the first time a girl had said no to me, so it hurt.

While it hurt to be rejected, I also felt relief because her reasons prevented us from continuing down a path of mismatched expectations.

The next day, I told a close friend about the outcome of the date because he knew of my interest in the girl. We talked and laughed about it like a missed train on a rainy day.

Just last night, my friend told me he met with the girl, and I was shocked. He said he didn't know why she had said no and wanted to talk to her to try to change her mind.

I was angry because I felt this was a dumb move. He said he was only trying to help because he thought she was a good match for me.

I had already closed that chapter and moved on, so I told my friend I didn't care what they discussed and that I had seen her missed call on my phone. If she calls me again, I won't pretend everything is okay and will let her know that I never sent my friend to convince her further.

He told me to pick up her call and hear her out, but I personally find it disturbing if someone needs to be convinced by a friend to get a positive response.

Yes. I was disappointed by the rejection, but I respected her decision. I was frustrated by my friend's actions, but I will stick to my decision and not pretend everything is okay if she contacts me again.

She just sent a text now! oh my f*cking friend…

  • 3
    She’s asking how the fuck am I. Oh this is the most awkward shit ever!
  • 6
    It's a messy situation but the good thing is that you can come out of it easily by just being honestly. She asked how you are, and you respond you don't know if you should be angry or amused by the silly action of your friend. You excuse for your childish but warm hearted friend. Girl will be fine, you will be fine and done. It feels like absurd conplications maybe, but it's not. It's just an opportunity how fucking cool and mature you take her rejection.
  • 1
    Sounds like a good friend and a good girl. I agree with @fruitfckr, don't burn bridges
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    " It was the first time a girl had said no to me, so it hurt"

    Soo You did have other girls before ? And who ended these relationships then ?
  • 5
    developers have friends and relationships now? what a world we live in
  • 0
    Sounds like your friend's actions are coming from a place of love.
    I get exactly how you're feeling though. Tough day!

    Be true to your feelings and let yourself get hurt if it comes to it. After all, how else do you know if you're alive if you don't let life tug on the heartstrings now and again 😁♥️🥂
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    Yea you definitely should let the situation cool down. There might have been some genuine mis understanding. If you don’t want to be friends with the girl then that is fine. But sometimes having contacts is good
  • 1
    Before we got married 15 years ago my wife and I broke up and got back together several times. It can be the foundation for a great future- this sounds like a woman who wants to get it right and stay committed for life.
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