
- So no one gives a shit that i have a cs degree
- No one gives a shit that i have the knowledge and skills THEY require
- Now the new bar is to work at least several years as a slave so i can get hired

The only reason i got rejected is because i havent worked in a company for 3+ years...?

  • 3
    well at least they sent u a reply. that's rare when it comes for refusal. keep going. either you will succeed with the record or find a good place 2 work. I'm rooting for the 2nd ofc
  • 3
    How much time do you spend outside of work working on these skills?
  • 2
    move on dude, don't let it hit your confidence.

    Also, don't settle for less salary just because you face more rejections after this.
  • 0
    From your recent posts you don't look like you fulfill their requirements, working in companies or not
  • 0
    @Sid2006 it didnt hit me i just cant believe for what dumbass reasons they reject people
  • 3
    Fuck that shit. I’ve been in the industry for 25 years and have several million of these rejections..possibly billions. If you’re good enough you’ll find your spot eventually
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