Whining about one’s job has become a trend now a days.

A job is not meant to make you feel happy all the times. It’s a bitter sweet affair. Let’s spend a few minutes appreciating the sweet bit that let’s us buy stuff we need and want, pay rent on time, go on vacations, have quality family time and so on…

Hope everyone reading this finds Atleast something they can appreciate about their current job. God bless.

  • 14
    We're allowed to hate our jobs, fuck off
  • 11
    We're allowed to seek happiness in every aspect of our life.
  • 0
    @fruitfcker I never said an employer is supposed to be a loyal dog to its employees, nor does an employee need to do that for his/her company. An employee would jump ship the moment he/she says a better opportunity. Employers would cut costs too wherever they can. Is it fair, probably not.

    I just said there must be at-least something you can appreciate about your job that you currently have. One small thing.
  • 0
    @YADU by all means fuck face.

    I just thought there would be atleast something you would appreciate about the job you show up for everyday.

    But yeah, maybe you like suffering everyday. Some people have a thing for suffering like this. Doing something everyday without finding a single reason to be thankful for it.
  • 2
    @codeCoffee I'm thankful for the money I get at my job. I'm thankful for the experience I get. I'm thankful for my career.

    Im thankful for the stress or the workload or the burnout or feeling unvalued.

    I'm allowed to not enjoy things about my job. I try to find a better job, but it's hard. I'm allow2d to be unhappy in the meantime.
  • 2
    >be thankful for vacations
    this implies you even get time off at all.
  • 3
    Nice try wannabe boss
  • 1
    Salary jobs are shit in general. Because you're going something with no clear goal and/or motivation rather than receiving money to survive.

    Fake positivity won't help, but will harm you.
  • 1
    Be happy about being a slave and still being alive
  • 1
    You sound like the kinda guy that gets newly hired and right away tries to out perform every senior dev there ... to hopefully make yourself stand out.

    Your rant is absolute shite mate. You chose to be on DevRant. Try to understand the context of the platform. (Devs + Rants = DevRant).

    You're the kinda guy that goes on Pornhub and starts reporting videos for sexual content and nudity.
  • 0
    @Sid2006 last I checked, rant could be anything - shitty, witty, tittieeee or anything that gets under your skin or anyone like you. So… mission successful!!
  • 0
    @ostream OP should bend over
  • -1
    @ostream oh getting personal? Sure..in that case - I met your mom, she sure was submissive and I tipped her plenty as well 😊
  • 1
    wrong platform for you opinion.
    And now, kindly fuck off.
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