
The final company who was the most interested in hiring me, has finally replied to my email today, being late 7 days.

Cant show the screenshot here because its not in english.

"We want to thank you for participating in this process. This time we have decided to choose another candidate..."


"...the only reason was the number of years of experience."


- it's not enough that i have graduated such an extremely hard university
- it's not enough that i have this apparently worthless computer science degree
- it's not enough that i have knowledge
- it's not enough that i have a fuck load of projects done and showcased
- it's not enough that i worked with international clients
- it's not enough that i have the knowledge and skills they're looking for
- it's not enough that i had answered everything correctly on a technical interview

now the new standard is to have minimum 3+ years of working experience on top of all of that.

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    They either wanted someone with company work experience in the first place or it was something else; either way it‘s a bit shallow not to tell so.
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    You can choose not to accept it and write a motivation letter to the company. I did it once and got on a second interview because of it.

    Nothing to lose right?
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    i am reiterating here again, and i will everytime someone says something in that direction.

    If you make an academic degree, it doesn't make you any better fit for work, because the degree is not for companies in the first place. Or in short: nobody cares about your degree, unless you're a scientist (or it's knowledge is needed SPECIFICALLY).

    in fact, i would argue that, if you have a degree, you're less likely to get a job because it potentially costs the company more.

    The other things are more tricky to answer tho.
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    @thebiochemic so i was basically scammed by wasting 6 years of my life getting a useless piece of outdated paper no one gives a shit about
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    @b2plane unfortunately yes, exactly.
    You should go to university, if you care for that stuff yourself, not if you hope to get a better job.

    You basically wasted the time, you could've used for getting more experience essentially (i'm not saying that expectations of companies are realistic, but that's a different topic)
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    @b2plane Yes. That's why many people at my uni have a part-time job while pursuing their master's degree, even if that means a longer time getting there.
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    @CodeKek why do they continue pursuing masters degree is degree is proven to be worthless?
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    @b2plane depends on what people want to do. Obviously a degree has a use case. But more often than not, youll get around with not needing one.
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    If you don't work while you study, there's a chance you don't work after you study.
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    @electrineer is that the brand new hyped up standard for cool kids now?
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