Company is laying me off in less than a month. Thousands of others as well. Our whole department is going away but not the work. Yet I still have to meet a deadline that is just days before they stop paying me. My motivation to do this work is in the toilet.

  • 19
    So don't stress yourself over it.

    What's the worst they can do? Fire you?

    Your notice period, or in this case, your pre-layoff period should be exclusively for knowledge transfer anyway.
  • 0
    Rsmember, you're just a number. Fuck'em.
  • 2
    @Akhetopnu The whole team has converted from MegaCorp cheerleaders to flipping off the CEO as they’re leaving.
  • 2
    Take this as paid vacation 😉! Relax and watch megacorp burn itself to a crisp
  • 0
    Something better is in your future. Positive mindset.
  • 3
    That's a monumentally idiotic decision on your company's part.

    Best case scenario no-one gives a crap, and the product never gets deployed. Worst case scenario the product gets deployed with a known time bomb that causes it to blow up and delete the prod db a week after everyone has received their last paycheck.

    There's a reason your notice period is really just for knowledge transfer. You might get away with 1 disgruntled Dev working on something. You'll never get away with it if it's thousands.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce It’s content, not code. The code is handled by other teams staying on. The company’s massive website will not get as regular content updates…if anyone new is able to even figure it all out. There will be about a 3-4 month learning curve just to figure out how to use the CMS, which is a total disaster.
  • 0
    @stackodev Who knows, they might need to ask you back? You'll be fully committed to your new projects unless/until there's a solid deal on the table of course, no time to be helping out otherwise...
  • 0
    @stackodev did you get your letter of recommendation? That is as much cake as they can give you at the moment. Also no need to burn bridges or do childish things like flipping the CEO off.

    Creating content sounds like something that is not in your job description so yeah work, hold up your end of the deal but dont feel like there is a deadline. The only deadline that is there is the end of the notice period.
  • 2
    @hjk101 I didn’t say I was participating in their childishness. Like the CEO would care, or even know, anyways. Just that my work feels pointless now.

    They also don’t provide letters of recommendation. Everyone is an NPC to everyone else in a company with over 150,000 employees. Anyone who has any kind of clout for their recommendation to be meaningful would never provide one because they simply don’t know or care about us individually enough to make any kind of specific or even general recommendation. It would be an awkward request to make at best. In the end, I really don’t think it would even matter. The corporate name is enough for most resume purposes.

    However, because of its political stances on things it ought to have remained neutral on or avoided completely, I am rather hoping the company nosedives and disappears into the dustbin of history, forever scorned as a corporation that needlessly self-immolated on issues that it isn’t concerned with.
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