anybody else hate AWS UX/UI

i'd like to think with all that money they could make an idiot proof one for people like me, but i guess im too much of a smooth brained outlier or it's not worth it for them

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    Well their UI at least. I don't think there's been any thoughts about UX.
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    I’ve been using terraform for ages now, so I don’t bother much.

    But I never liked the interfaces. The EC2 lateral menu is the most populated visual space in the galaxy.
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    It's also slow as fuck. I get the impression that Amazon is ignoring the Web Vitals because google was the first to specify what constitutes a good website and they refuse to comply.
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    @lorentz I think they just care less when it comes to admin panels where load times don't directly correlate with sales.

    They care a lot when it comes to stores - amazon.com is a classic example used in many performance talks, as they have some metric for how many millions of dollars of sales are lost with every 100ms of load time.
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    @jiraTicket And yet, amazon.com falls firmly in the clunkier half of websites I access on desktop wrt. the load times and layout shift of basic product information
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    AWS expects the use via terraform / cloudformation. Interface is there just so that you can monitor and tinker with some things. It was never intended for you to set everything up via web interface.
    Also core demographic is devops / dev people which prefer more info over pretty UI.
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    @arekxv More info isn't antithetical to fast load times on the scale of the aws interface, and it's much older than the tools you mentioned so while those may be preferred today, this was definitely not the case when the interface was built.
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    @lorentz What I am saying is that they do not have much incentive to make things better.
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    @arekxv The shit DX alongside strange opaque billing are the main reasons why I try not to use them when the task at hand is feasible with DigitalOcean, Linode or even GCP.

    Small businesses don't make a huge impact but there are a lot of them.
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    @lorentz I am using it and I never really had a problem with pricing and they are pretty transparent. You even have a calculator which you can pretty accurately figure out how much it will be per month or year based on what you pick. And every service has a pricing page. The only kind of opaque prices are network packets in/out of aws network since people do not know that is being charged too, which makes sense as it is a bandwidth.
    The biggest problem is that most people want one simple monthly price and they do not want to fine tune it, which is why a lot of "left EC2 on" memes come from. Thats fine, but AWS is not for them.
    My total monthly bill for a personal web site and about 5 domain DNS zones is about $6.95 a month.
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