
Dear Web developers, why are there websites that complain "Please disable AD blocker to use this website" when i don't have a AD blocker? Can't website be build simple, without tons of JS and CSS that will break?

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    or just remove the ads all together and stop bothering the rest of us w/ 'em!
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    You running brave?
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    Just use uBlock Origin to block the ad block nag screens.
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    We are used to the idea that websites are free.

    They're not. Developers cost money, servers cost money, content creators cost money, HR and managers and all that human garbage cost money. Either the money comes from your pocket or from someone else we call the "sponsor". That's it.
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    The key is having an anti^n AdBlock script/extension, where n is even.

    They exist.
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    @IHateForALiving As i said, the problem is that this message shows up even without ad-block.

    And please, if you create a website, make it very simple, use plain HTML without JS and without CSS as long as possible. Do you want to make AD? Add a simple PNG or JPG, hosted on the same server.

    Why are websites packed with endless JS are designed slow and buggy when you could do this instead: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/... No JS, no images, lots of valuable data while having a small size (measured in bytes)?
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    Bruh if I'm creating a website without JS\CSS I'm not even making a website in the first place, I'm making an API returning XML lmao

    not a problem with that, but API is a thing and the website is another. The website is specifically designed to show you the eye candy, remove that and why do I even have a website for?
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    @IHateForALiving For the content? I don't want that stupid eye candy. I don't want to upgrade a computer just so i can visit a website to download a datasheet or order a part (i have a (second) pc that is fast enough for everything i need at work, coding + compiling, CAD, EDA, ... except for the browser).
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