Day 7 post turning 30:

I can feel the boomer mentality kicking in at full strength.
I find myself talking to people about how 90's music was so great and kids these days won't get to appreciate it.
I see so many people with jobs who are significantly younger than me.
I sleep a couple hours more than I used to.
I live a routine life which is how I don't feel time passing by me.
I hear a voice inside my head telling me to quit gym because i am gonna grow weak anyway. Also, it would help with my productivity.

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    hmm, on the last . : I spend about 3h per day in exercises ( mostly walks in the forest ) and I can do some extra work in that time, but my health is w/ higher prio than job productivity ;)
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    @We3D Out of discipline I won't quit gym. I can't break a habit of 8 years.

    This voice should fade away sometime soon. If it doesn't maybe I would substitute my exercise by say cycling or hiking.
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    Year 2 after turning 30, still wondering: 20 or 30 what difference does it make? As long as you have your health and energy then all is good
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    - music: ironically, most of the new songs I hear on the radio today are remakes of Gigi D'Agostino, DHT, and others who were popular in our childhood/teenage days [199x/200x]

    - jobs: good. Imagine them spongering, living off taxes or stealing. I actually enjoy knowing these kids are doing smth constructive rather than being parasites.

    - sleep: that has changed oh so many times in my life. Don't blame the 30s for that.

    - routine: yepp, that's what the routines do. Try and get out of it for a week or so, feel the taste of life before you find yourself shopping for coffins.

    - gym: that's up to you. I try to avoid activities that I don't enjoy doing. Some people enjoy gym. If that's you -- go for it! But if you're only going there to build your body and grow muscles - ... IDK, I don't see a point. Muscles will degrade anyway and.. you know... YAGNI :) I prefer having long strolls in nature (~7-10km) every now and then.

    whatever you build will become food for entropy.
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    but 90s music IS great
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    already in my 40's.

    20's (25+) , 30's, 40's all the same. Except my back hurts just from being alive. And if I'm awake after midnight it'll take me two days to recover.
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    @Nanos takes longer to scroll to your DOB year in online forms though, right?

    Happy Birthday!
  • -1
    Not to mention us growing up free from pedophiles, groomers, CRT indoctrination bullshit...
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    NGL music was better before. And I still hold dear to many movies from the 80s, 90s and early 20s.

    I don't think we will ever have (for example) a series of amazing metal bands as we did before. I am not going to say that everything is doo doo now a days, but they did feel more epic before.

    I am also somewhat inclined to believe that we have exhausted videogaming authentic sh and have resorted to an era of "if it ain't an FPS, then it ain't good"
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    @jassole unless you were a british kid in the 80's.
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    @jassole a pedophile targeted me when I was in scouts. The scout troop rooted him out. That was in the 90s. So this is not a new problem. It has been going on for many decades. My guess is it goes back many centuries.
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    I'm part of kids these days and love older music, we aren't all forsaken
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