what is the best way to become better in JS, there is so many library and stuff, it's easy to get lost in this jungle ?

  • 5
    If you want to get better in js, the libs are not really helping. In my opinion you should learn the basics, like prototype and the prototype chain.

    Other then that: just do more coding and debug your way to understand what's going on.
  • 1
    how to pick library in js:
    step 1) choose one
    step 2) too late, a new library is out, you shoudl try it
    step 3) back to step 1)
  • 2
    Potentially unpopular opinion: Fuck diving into prototypes/inheritance. It's cute for understanding the sloppy bowels of js, it's like staring into its overused crotch.

    The future lies in learning to work with chainable promises, observers and generators, play with async/await, come to the conclusion that you're using composable functors, applicatives, maybes, monads.

    And then abuse the prototype system to define infix functions 😁
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    Use some framework, like an angular or react, its raise an effectivity of using js at all :)
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    @bittersweet agree!

    .= 'You will get better in JS if you try to avoid librarys';
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    @bittersweet I disagree with you but you made me laugh anyway, take my ++

    I don't think that promises and async/await will make you understand js in its core any better. Promises sure are a great help for your daily work ,but they are not maling you a better programmer because they don't make you understand the language any better.

    Async/await are a nice idea, but there errorhandling is in node broken as fuck.
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    There's this book, that helped me a lot: 'JavaScript the good parts'
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    @Divisionbyzero YES! Great book, great recommendation, I totally forgot about it
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    @plusgut I agree that it's not where it should be yet. I feel js was stagnant for way too long, and things which should have been there are finally dripping in through babel. A lot of stuff is still missing.

    But I think the FP/concurrent/composable side of the language is much more promising and interesting than the imperative side — especially on the node side where you're mostly handling streams, requests and all kinds of map/reduce/filter operations.

    I think this is a pretty interesting peek into where we're at and where we're heading:
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