
If you create a website with a login function, please mention the password requirements on the login page (not just the signup page, in the login page too). So i know which of my default passwords i used for this website.

  • 2
    sure, np =]
  • 8
    Password manager sir
  • 2
    you do know that default passwords are a bad idea right...
  • 1
    @We3D Well, not always. I mean, i know that they are compromised when a hacker has access to one of my account that uses a standard password. But for most accounts, i don't care. Somebody has access to my account for a site like DevRant? Or a login i need to download 3D models? I don't care that much. Maybe i will create a new account (with the same password of course).

    Of course, for accounts with value i don't use standard passwords.
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    @MammaNeedHummus To tedious for sites that don't need security.
  • 4
    @happygimp0 Just let the browser remember the credentials for those low-value accounts.
  • 1
    Weeell. Always indeed they are.
  • 0
    @scor Why? What is bad about it? Creating a new account is easier than creating unique passwords.
  • 2
    Optimally there should be no password "requirements" at all. Except for minimum length maybe.
  • 3

    Fun fact is that most password policies actually *reduce* the entropy in the search space, and thus make bruteforcing easier.

    Since they have other measures against brute force, password policies are just downright bad.
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    @ostream or even numbers for that matter, let me decide my own pass... if possible pls
  • 3
    @Lensflare For a lot of websites and services, there shouldn't be an account required at all...
  • 0
    @ostream yep, it can be anything, just have to be long enough 4 bf
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    @ostream don't pretend u don't get what I mean...
  • 0
    @ostream we are talking about passwords so 'brute force' would come first in mind and not a boyfriend...
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