
Man it really pisses me off when people try to manage shit by keeping all the windows on the same desktop, meanwhile i create a new desktop for every app i open.

  • 10
    Everything is full screen, I flip through it with Alt+Tab
  • 7
    Sometimes I want to look at 2 things at the same time, and have a big ass monitor...
  • 2
    Switching through desktops or workspaces is more tedious and confusing than doing an alt+tab for me
  • 2
    I think it’s way more convenient to have multiple desktops on a Mac as compared to a Windows pc.

    5 Desktops when I’m on my Mac? Not an issue with trackpad gestures.
  • 1
    I feel you there. I create virtual desktops for every project or context I'm working on. I see my colleagues struggle and waste so much time by clicking all the different and wrong icons of their browser tabs over and over again. At the same time they complain they can't find anything anymore. When I tell them again and again that using virtuy desktops would alleviate such problems they shrug it off as too difficult...

    Yeah a two key combo is really hard to work with....
  • 0
    I even use Firefox Multi-Account Containers (AddOn) to put tabs of different topics into different "virtual containers". Hate it when there are too many tabs open.
  • 2
    switching desktops -> switching projects/environments

    switching windows -> switching content display within particular project/environment. Multi screen helps here obviously.

    thats how i use it.
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