The moment I see a mention of "preferred pronouns" on your resume, It's gonna get thrown in the bin, straight up.

I don't want my colleagues/team members to tiptoe around you.

  • 17
    Some places using wrong pronouns is illegal. Other places they are trying to make it illegal. Avoiding people who would try use it against you may be self preservation.

    In case you are in a bad situation if someone tries to force you to use pronouns it is considered "compelled speech". In some countries this is against their laws/constitution.
  • 9
    That's mean OP
  • 8
    Unfortunately, at least here, *not* hiring them can also end in a lawsuit against your company.

    But, yeah, if I were the interviewer, I'd leave it clear first sentence.

    "I don't give a fuck about your real or perceived genitals nor what or who you like to grind them against. I only care about you being able to fucking do your job".

    Despite that being the only fucking sensible answer, If fucking end in jail before EOD.
  • 3
    @CoreFusionX care enough to let it be the forethought in an interview 🤔
  • 1
    @ostream Snowflake alert. LOL.
  • 3
    @MammaNeedHummus You can say that, But I'd rather invest money in people who understand that it's a job they're gonna get paid for, so anything on the resume should be related to their professional/educational background and past work experiences.

    I already deal with enough crap in the workplace, and I don't want more of it by remembering what anyone should be addressed by.

    You can say "Oh then just fire them" but hiring, firing and then re-hiring costs money. Basically I just want a better ROI. It's just business.
  • 8
    You sound like a boomer ngl.
  • 2
  • 1
    @Sid2006 you know what.. fair enough
  • 5
    @ostream giving a valid reason not to hire degenerates like you.
  • 0
    Its not like people do their dev jobs with genitals, so who the fuck cares about pronouns!

    Keep your genitals out of my business!
  • 1
    @devJs they don't. But frankly enough, they do communicate with their pronouns. And if you don't know them in an environment, where people are expected to be respectful to each other, you need to ask, or maybe even use the wrong one.

    I mean just picture this:
    I'm your colleague and whenever i mention you, i say she/her, because i don't know better or i'm ignorant and do that on purpose.

    Pretty sure you'd get pissed about that at some point, or atleast would think, i'm an idiot (or you know... post a rant on DR for that matter)
  • 2
    Well i agree, i didn't quite communicated what I think.

    I am generally in wtf mood when pronoun kids being offended when someone who sees them for the first time address them by their biological gender.

    This is some shit that I will never understand. I systematically refused to put pronouns on my work bio and I've been asked several times to do it. Also I think some folks also got offended when I rejected call to some lgbt history quiz during working hours as i had no interests in that whatsoever and just maybe, you know, had my job to do.

    This whole pronouns shit is beyond words and logic!

    I feel like those kids never really grew up, they are adult kids now. Being adult and grown up are 2 different things!
  • 2
    @devJs isn't it nuts, that you talk about people being offended by shit like that, and at the same time complain, that YOU need to put pronouns in your documents?

    You're a hypocrite, plain and simple.
  • 0
    @thebiochemic i am, have always been
  • 1
  • 2
    Putting your work environment preferences on a resume is a bold strategy cotton, let's see if it plays out for them.
  • 1
    @lungdart I’m cis present masculine and go by he/him. However, I’ll be adding my preferred pronouns to my resume to easily filter out working for chuds like OP.
  • 0
    @Sid2006 I am so confused as to so many people not seeing the irony in calling someone a snowflake yet you are upset about three little words set out to help you be polite.
  • 1
    @jeeper I'm the same way at work. Zoom and slack have my pronouns (default cis male ones) just in case anyone is afraid to do it. Fat guy waiting to eat cake Syndrome. I'll be the first guy at the food to make everyone else more comfortable to eat.

    But a resumes job is to filter out interviewees. I won't put anything on there that's personal. Save pronouns for the interview if they're important to you.
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