
im in the "idc anymore" phase of the sine-curve of my programming mood
which sucks coz ive a lot of things I need done rn and this shit will last days/weeks.

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    just forget for a while of the total amount and focus on single item ( just sort them 1st on their inner dependencies ( if any ) ) and before u know it, you'll be half there ;)
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    @We3D I wish my head was that disciplined/tamed ;-;
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    I mean the 5 minute trick usually helps me. Also often helps if you can make your tasks smaller.
    Then its more like aaah fuck I gotta do it but its just 5 mins. Fiiiiine fuck it I'll do it.
    That usually gets me to do 3 small tasks.
    Also helps if you have a todo of w/e and see things slowly into done

    Sometimes I'm like well I don't like doing this how can I do this the fastest so I don't have to deal with anymore. Aka speedrunning.

    Sometimes you also just gotta suck it up and say this blows but imma make it deep throat. And just anger do it.
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