
Hi this isnt actually a rant this is the girlfriend speaking (or typing hihi) i just wanna say how interesting this platform is. Bye πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘‹πŸΌ

  • 48
    Note taken, always remember to lock my phone
  • 22
    @d3vx girlfriend saying that devrant is interesting - marry her! πŸ˜„
  • 14
    *typical user says hi
    * Responds - "I have a boyfriend"
    *Typical user - =_=
  • 8
    If it's interesting, why not join us. :p
  • 7
    @lotd i'm actually considering it 😏
    - the gf
  • 4
    @fonfi i like how you think! how does best man sound to you?
    - the gf
  • 3
    Its a lie... Coder don't have girlfriend
  • 3
    @d3vx anytime :) but maybe you both should discuss it first
  • 5
    The dream: a girlfriend that enjoys devRant. Such a rarity!
  • 2
    @PaddiM8 of course mate! hit me (i mean the bf) up with your email and i'll hook you up with one of my girl pals
    - the gf
  • 2
    Less people like hausen on devRant = less potential for cringy conversations between hausen and himself. :p
    - the gf
  • 2
    @gjkf i enjoy it so much i want to css the day (get it😏) and learn all about coding.
    - the gf
  • 4
    @justin-tamblyn pretty sure i am pretty and i am not imaginary πŸ˜‹
    - the gf
  • 3
    @bloodycoder ...except d3vx has one πŸ˜‹
    - the gf
  • 17
    - trogus' imaginary gf
  • 5
    Why hello there.
    You've stumbled upon our secret society.
    We live in peace with each other here.

    I hope you will be inspired to join our side. We have cookies
  • 2
    @PaddiM8 I swear I have nothing to do with that... πŸ™„πŸ€₯
  • 13
    Typing with your left hand is not the same as a girlfriend πŸ˜‰
  • 0
    @PaddiM8 you beat me to it.
  • 1
    I deleted them all. Was worried about the privacy
  • 0
    There are girls on here? Omg
  • 2
    I need wait for gf some years when the AI and tech will be good enough to buy one lol
  • 0
    @daredevil yes there are girls everywhere :p
    - the gf
  • 2
    @bloodycoder I have a wife :D her favourite quote is : "my husband make his money staring all day at colourful lines" (thank god i use material on pycharm)
  • 1
    @donnico congrats but i would suggest altering the quote a bit - "staring and making colourful lines"
  • 0
    @bloodycoder well it's her quote! I fairly reported it! :D
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